Thirteen: Whores

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Lately Frank and Gerard have been very touchy, it's not like Frank or Gerard minded the intimacy but there was something off about Frank. He was going to find out what it was, Gerard was secretive about it.

"Frank?" Gerard walked in the room, and soon he saw what made him different. Woman. Everywhere, and he sat there looking at the television. Girls around him, one palming him and the whole room reeked of sweat, and girls cum. Gerard knew the difference between them apparently.

Gerard walked away, his heart hurting from how betrayed he felt. They weren't even a couple and Frank was already off with others. Gerard went to their room, and called one of Frank's men.

"It seems you just can't enough of me." The man said.

"Oh put a cock in it, Bren. I swear sometimes I'm Bren Done with you." Gerard said, laughing.

Brendon laughed. "What's up Geesus?"

"Who are the woman who go with Frank?" He said seriously.

Brendon smile disappeared. "They're all prostitutes, Frank usually hires them for some nights. He doesn't care for them, since he doesn't do any form of prostitution the persons below us do. Frank hires and chooses who goes towards the streets and who goes to fuck places."

"Frank fucks the women?" Gerard asked.

Brendon frowned. "No. He looks at their files, but the ones who stay with him are a different story."

Brendon paused, and Gerard frowned. "The one's who do stay with him get pampered, he says he doesn't care about them. He really does, what happens is that some of the girls get out of line. Not in front of Frank, but they managed to scare away some of Frank's suitors."

"Will they do the same to me?" Gerard asked.

Brendon nodded. "They just found out about you yesterday, it won't be long till you confronted and harassed."

"Does Frank even know about this?" Gerard asked Brendon.

"He does, but he enjoys their company more then his suitors." Brendon said.

Gerard's mind was racing. "Brendon is there another room I can stay in?"

Brendon didn't looked shocked. "This is the key to room down the hall on the left, I'll have people move your stuff."

Gerard nodded. "I assume I'm not the only one who wanted to  move out the room?"

Brendon nodded. "You're not, many people can't handle that. His suitors never did anything because they well, they're innocent. You probably are too, Frank always gets his suitors from the same place."

Brendon looked over to his cell, looked at Gerard and smiled sadly. "Go pack up your things dear, I'll get them to take care of this in no time."

When Frank returned he expect to see Gerard sleeping, Frank was covered with hickeys. He looked around to see no one, he shrugged assuming he was eating.

- [ Jake]

He woke up and didn't see Gerard anywhere, he didn't really care at the moment. He walked downstairs only to see Cali, he sat down and drank his coffee. Cali makes perfect coffee, and always on time.

"Brendon!! Can you bring this up for Gerard?" Cali screamed. Brendon walked in grabbing a coffee mug, and yawned.

Frank assumed he was with Maci, Gerard hung out with her in the spa at random times. He went up to where his girls were, because yeah he wanted to just lay watching television all day today, he was on his little break. The only important thing was next week, and Frank wanted to chill out before getting back to work.


Gerard was not pleased, he sat in the leaving room watching television. When one of Frank's "girls" came down, she looked disgusted at Gerard. Cali walked down to see the scene, and she recorded all of it. Brendon was sat next to Gerard, rolling his eyes when the girl came.

"I assume your Gerard? You know, Frank doesn't seem too pleased with you seeing as he comes back for us." The girl said.  Gerard was silent, Brendon decided not to interfere.

"The name is Nalis. So you think you can walk in here and take Frank away from us? Too bad, we aren't letting you have him so easily." Nalis said, she smirked.

"Oh and just saying, you can't suck his dick right." She left and Gerard stood there emotionless. Brendon looked a Gerard and shook his head.

"Come on Geesus, let's get you to bed. I've should have seen it coming." Brendon said. Gerard nodded, and stood up and walked to his new room. Cali wasn't stupid, Gerard was different from the rest.

She wanted to see how it all played out, because it won't be a boring show. She walked back up to her room, and smirked as she hear the conversation between Brendon and Gerard.

Gerard was angered, but he didn't show it. He had managed to not show his emotions so easily.

"Frank, you have a shit storm coming your way." Cali said.

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