Seven: Secrets ~

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In the past week it seemed as if Frank and Gerard couldn't keep their hands to each other. They were holding hands under the lunch table, they were cuddling at night, they bathed and washed each other. Frank would often whistle song tunes, and Gerard would smile and sing the songs he knew. They were inseparable, no one could touch one with out facing the wrath of the other. He felt absolutely confused when Gerard would hit is hand lightly and walk away. He only assumed it's because he tried to keep his tough persona outside the cell.

Frank was not needy.

Gerard saw Frank's monotonous attitude as not wanting to upset him or not knowing what to do without him. That it wasn't until Gerard went up to Frank and told him to do something or grab his hand to lead him that Frank became more active. Frank let Gerard think like that, but from anyone else's view you can tell that Frank would mind his own business and be nonchalant towards everything. Gerard would come to him every time and Frank responded, Gerard thought he had Frank wrapped around his finger. It was not like that at all, and Frank knew Gerard failed to see it. Gerard knew nothing about him, even Frank didn't know anything about himself. It was slightly sweet that Gerard would try to understand Frank more but giving up when Frank responded with "I don't know."

Gerard was remind constantly about how his dad used to say the same words whenever he was bothered. He would walk away and tear up, he thought Frank didn't notice.

"Dad! Papa! Look papa! I found kitty! It's a black and white kitty!" Gerard sang in his high-pitched voice. He ran into the living room with a black and white kitty in his arms. Gerard's mom smiled.

"Honey, leave mittens alone. Go wash your hands and sit down for dinner." Gerard's mom said. Gerard ran to the bathroom and almost tripped on the poor cat. He washed his hands and came back to see his dad whisper shouting at his mom.

"Dad? Are you playing shush babies or the big guys will get us? Do I need to hide?" Gerard's tiny voice came through the hallway. His parents stopped and frowned, they didn't know what to say.

"No sweetie, it's just we are seeing who can scream without being loud." His mom explained. Gerard nodded, believing the lie instantly.

"That must be really hard, I think dad's winning!" Gerard said, they both looked at him and felt bad for lying to their only kid.

Later on, Gerard's father became more cranky. "Dad? Why is the sky blue?"

"I don't know." The only response he received from his dad.

Gerard pouted. "Dad I thought you said you knew everything?"

"I don't know Gerard." He replied. Gerard cringed in fear, his dad never called him by his full name unless he was angry.

Gerard began to tear up, "You're rude dad! I'm not talking to you ever again!"

His dad rolled his eyes. Gerard's mom walked in and had a scowl on her face. "You just upset Gerard."

"Let him throw his bitch fit." His father said. A loud slap was heard through out the house, followed by the front door slamming.

"Insult my sweetie one more time! Go have you're own bitch fit outside in the rain, this door isn't opening anytime soon! I'm not gonna put up with your ass, go ahead fucker! What are you waiting for?!" Gerard's mom screamed. Gerard was still crying in his room, and his father was on his ass in the rain. He stood up and walked to the nearby opening, it wasn't the first time he had his ass handed to him by his wife. He certainly knew it wasn't gonna be the last either, if he insulted his son again. He had to watch his mouth around her if he wanted to eat and sleep inside the house. She wasn't scared of hauling his ass out the front door and slamming it on his face.

Gerard's mom was upstairs holding Gerard saying how his dad went on a trip again. "Mommy? Tell dad sorry."

Gerard's little sobs had eased, and it was only little hiccups. "Okay sweetie, now let's go to sleep."

His mom went to sit in their own bed across the room, they weren't exactly broke but they barely had anything.

Meanwhile his mom stood up and grabbed some tea from the stove, he heard a scream from upstairs and ran towards it. She saw two men trying to kidnap Gerard. She acted fast, she threw a knife to one of them hitting them right in the eye. She roundhouse kicked the other one, knocking him into the wall while she grabbed the knife from the other one's eye. She slashed the second one's throat and kicked him out from the second story window. She looked at the guy who was bleeding to death, she growled. "Try me bitch. May this be a lesson to your kind, I'll fuck up every one of you soulless fuckers."

She snapped his neck and threw the other one out the window as well. Meanwhile another was sneaking up behind her, she doesn't move and stabs him in his head. She threw him over her shoulders and out the window.

"Well it seems you're father is going to fix this window in the morning." His mom said. Gerard was in his little hideout and nodded.

"Come on, sweetie let's go to sleep." She told Gerard. She tucked him into bed and sat next him. She sipped her tea and wondered if she should make chicken tomorrow or if she make some lasagna. She cursed when she saw her night gown stained with blood.

"Damn it. I have to wash clothes again, I just got done with laundry today." She muttered to herself. She rolled over holding Gerard before she decided to read a book

This is very short, that's because something major is gonna happen in the next chapters, also because it's Christmas and I don't feel like writing too much haha. In short terms, this is gonna be roughly half what I usually write.

- Valeria

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