Eight: Enlightened

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Frank was bored. He was so bored that he ended up on the floor just so he could complain. "Fuckkkkkkkk."

"Frank stop being so immature." Gerard said. Frank groaned louder. He rolled back and forth making a scene.

"Gee! I'm boreddddd!" Frank whined. Gerard grunted and wanted to bang his head into the cement wall. Frank was being a little brat.

"Don't be bored then." Gerard responded. Frank looked at him as if a cat had crawled out his asshole.

He stared. "If it was that easy I wouldn't be bored!"

"Lunch time! Get out shit heads!" Bob said. They both stood up and headed towards the lunch room.

Gerard and Frank were sat in the cafeteria, a prison fight had just broke out. Frank seemed so shocked on how brutal it became, Gerard rolled his eyes. It's been nearly a week and half since Frank's been here. Frank was just getting comfortable with the whole I'm going to die soon situation. He didn't want to, but he didn't know what else could be done. He smiled when Gerard had told him that they tend not kill them as soon as they got here. They couldn't afford burning or killing someone until the whole case has been closed. Frank's hasn't been closed since they were trying to link him with several other crimes. Gerard's hasn't been closed since they couldn't find the body, and he could've been linked to a mass-murder. While they were being further investigated, they lived in a prison which would soon turn into their grave.Gerard was not in a rush to die, but he rather not spend years in this wretched place.

They were all escorted to their cells, stupid fight had caused them to be on a lock down. Not that Geradd minded because that meant cuddles with Frank, but still he was bummed out because he wanted to go outside today.

Meanwhile, a woman walked in the vicinity. She was dressed in black dress pants and a button up shirt, she was dressed for the occasion.

"Hello M'am?" The front guard said. She walked towards the desk and nodded.

"What can I help you with?" The guard said, he eyed up her down.

She grabbed him by his uniform. "I'm up here, you fucking disgusting pig."

He scowled. "I need your ID."

She popped her gum. "Why is that so? You didn't ask me in the beginning."

"Look her you stupid b-" I he started. She slapped him, okay so she didn't just slap him. She grabbed his head and banged it against his desk.

"I'm not your momma, i'd suggest you shut up and do things correctly." She snapped.

"What are you here for?" He said slightly trembling, he looked down at the papers at his desk.

"I'm here for pick up." She mused.

He looked up in shock. It was the executioner. He was rude to the boss, and he might as well kiss this job goodbye.


Frank and Gerard were talking about the future, they threw in witty comments about how someone would come in drag both of them. They would be in the chair making goofy faces at each other, they were being silly.

"I'm vegan though!" Frank exclaimed. Gerard rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Fine you'll be like.." Geradd cleared his throat. Frank biting his lip from bursting out in a fit of laughs.

"SAHLAD??" He exclaimed in a high-pitch. Frank fell to the ground, Gerard laughing his ass off along with him.

"Welcome to Chiliiiis!" Frank said, Gerard cracked up and fell to the floor. He looked to the ceiling and tried to catch his breath, he found it hard when there was a laughing mess beside him.

"I see this place has become a laughing matter." The woman
interrupted their fit of laughter.  This was very unusual, it was a men's only prison. There shouldn't be a woman here unless she was transgender. Gerard found it rather rude that they didn't let her go to the woman's prison, if she said she was a woman then she is.

"Now, we all know what this place is. You signed yourself a death sentence, thus I'm here to fulfill it." The woman said. The laughing stopped, they looked at each other knowing that this would be the last time they see each other.

"Now Frank, Gerard will be going with us today. Killing two birds with one stone, or in this case two criminals with one chair." She smirked.

They were put in handcuffs and hauled from their cells. They smiled happily, they have had the best week in their life so far, what better way then to end it together. They felt really lucky that they got to die at the same place.

The woman sat down, she had reddish hair and glasses. She smiled at Frank as the one of the guards escorted them towards the vehicle, one guard stood by the vehicle. They recognized as Bob, Frank smiled at Bob. Once they were both inside the woman stepped inside as well. Bob began driving the vehicle to their tombs, well they saw it like that. The woman turned around, and looked at Frank.

"Sono contento di vedere che sei sana e salvò, capo il tempo di liberarsi."  The woman said.

Gerard looked at them. The woman injected something in Frank and he collapsed.

"How's it going?" She said to Gerard.

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