Ten: Pamper

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I haven't updated in a year, I'm sorry I had to take the chance.

Frank was acting strange, well in Gerard's eyes he was. He began to call Gerard names, such as baby doll and sweet checks. Gerard smiled, he sort of like being called these names. The thing about it is that, Frank seemed to have a more dominant aura around him. Gerard awoke one day to see Frank on him, and it kinda made him blush. So the problem was that Gerard began to develop feelings for Frank, now unlike the feeling he was used to developing towards others this was different. He was rather accustomed to developing hatred towards others, he was not used to developing the exact opposite of hate.

The problem was that Gerard had a crush on the midget on top of him, he was screwed. Then again, Gerard really wasn't opposed to getting screwed.

The problem only began to escalate when Frank began lick his neck, slowly nipping at it. Yeah okay, Frank was having a wet dream and the problem there was that Gerard may or not be starting to get a little problem of his own.

There was definitely a lot of problems, but there seemed to be no solution. This began to remind Gerard of school finals, because we know that most of time there was so many problems and you just couldn't find the fucking answer.

Frank began to grind on Gerard, and then he woke up. So instead of backing up and saying sorry, like most people would. Well maybe not Gerard because everyone wants a piece that ass. Frank only smirked and lifted Gerard up, he began to put him in very suggestive positions and yeah he was being a tease. Frank got off by grinding on Gerard, Gerard was lost. He was in shock, he didn't know what to do.

"Come on baby doll, we have some important business to attend to." Frank said as he left Gerard and entered the bathroom. Gerard finally snapped out of it and his checks began to flush. He couldn't believe that Frank had came while Gerard was basically a fucking log.

He went to the closet and picked out his clothes, he choose a American flag shirt and some tight black skinny jeans. He finished his outfit with a pair of shiny black combat boots, Frank walked in wearing.

"We have business to attend to, oh and Gerard don't screw shit up." Frank warned. Maybe it wasn't appropriate to bring Gerard on this one, but it was the mostly quickest and easiest one in a long time.

- (His name is Joel)

Gerard was sat next to some crates, just observing the amount of criminals around him. They were distributing hookers, Gerard was sitting next to some in fact. A fat hairy man came to view and he looked Gerard with lust, he smirked. He grabbed him by this hair and tugged him to one of the tables by the wall. Many men watching him as the man pushed him on his knees.

"Let's get this show started. The lucky one to get to fuck this whore is number 23! Unless, you want to give this one to another man here and get two thousand dollars." The show man said.

"Kenneth, I'd like the money." The winner said. They threw him two bags filled with money, and he left.

"That's his loss, the winner is number 63. Oh well you look at that, that seems to be the one who brought the whore." Kenneth said. The grimy man who brought him stepped on the stage, he smiled.

"Okay Henry he's yours." Kenneth said before walking off the makeshift stage. The men cheered as Gerard was thrown on the floor, Henry grabbed Gerard by the hair, his dick out and laughed. The laugh was short lived, a knife was thrown and landed on the hand that was in Gerard hair. They saw a cloaked figure go to the stage, and Henry sneered.

"You little bitch." Henry got up to swing at the figure. Henry was on the floor again, and Frank was standing there his cloak now discarded.

"Take him." Frank said. Henry was in pain, Frank lifted Gerard and his men took him to the house for a nice shower. He instantly grab Henry and looked at him.

"Who do you think you are grabbing what's mine?" Frank growled, the men were watching in fear.

"He w-was standing by the others. I t-thought h-he was up f-for g-grabs." Henry tried to reason, Frank laughed.

"He's not, you should have noticed when he was standing by my crates, you don't get to touch what's mine unless you've done a deal." Frank said. The men nodded, and Henry rolled his eyes.

"I am someone you can roll your eyes at?" Frank asked, the looked at Henry is shock.

Frank laughed. He grabbed his knife and plunged it into the eyes of Henry, taking his eyes out before pushing him off the table. He grabbed one of the pool poles and hit the eye, one ball going in the slots.

"Don't touch what's mine." Frank said one more time to Henry before completely stabbing him with the pool pole successfully killing him.

He looked at the owner and nodded, the owner smiled and nodded. "Come back whenever you feel boss, always good to have you here."

Frank nodded, and saw Henry burbling, before his guts exploded everywhere. He looked at the owner, "I have myself a wonderful spouse, don't I?"

At this point Gerard was laying down at the house, more like mansion. He wasn't stupid, no right about know the fat man would be exploding. That's what venom does to you, Gerard smiled before tucking himself in.

Frank walked in only thirty minutes later to see Gerard asleep, he smiled. "My baby doll, no one is going to touch or lay a hand on you."

He went to the bathroom, and began to wash his face before deciding to shower. "My baby."

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