Twenty One: Pilots

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"Frank? Are you fucking kidding me? You were siding with your cousin? The one who almost killed me?" Cali said.

Frank looked around. "What?"

"We owe Gerard a lot, even more that he just prevented us from dying. Rodrigo poisoned our food, if Gerard didn't do anything we would all be dead."

Frank stood in shock.

"Gerard is clever, he knows so many things, he has used that trick before, and to be honest he's done more things by himself that you would be shocked to know. He planted an explosive liquid inside a guy with only a small needle, he poisoned many people. He also knows every explosive and every poison, and to top it off he can deactivate many things."

The whole family was listening, they knew Gerard had sensed something in the food, they just couldn't help him out. Frank turned red, he called his uncle, and when he picked up he had so much shit to say.

"Uncle, your son will be murdered in two days. I formally invite you to watch, his dead won't be peaceful." Frank spoke in deadly tone.

"What? Frank you can't kill your fam-" His uncle started.

"Maybe you should teach him that, because that's what he was going to do." Frank said before ending the call.

"Brian! Sedate him, and throw him in the cell, tie him up and have four men watching at all times." Frank ordered.

Frank kicked Rodrigo before heading up the stairs, he walked into the room to see Gerard coughing up blood. His eyes widened and he rushed towards him, he checked his pulse and looked around.

"Don't worry, it's effects from the antidote, the poison affects me, but it's not enough to kill me." Gerard said.

"Gerard? What are you talking about?" Frank asked worried, he lifted up Gerard and placed him on the bed.

"Someone bring the doctor!" Frank shouted, the doctor arrived shortly after. He shoved Frank out and locked the door.

The family was worried, they say together in the living room, watching Frank and waiting on the news. What seemed like years was only minutes, the doctor walked out, all eyes on her.

"He will recover, the poison isn't enough to kill him but he will be weak for a long time, not only that but he can't fly or ride. He has to stay in bed, he is in bed rest." She said.

They looked at Frank, seeing what he was going to say.

"Can I see him?" Frank asked.

She shook her head. "Mr. Way said that no one but myself and his side of the family can enter. I have to follow that, but I will take a small surveillance system so you can check on him.

"Thank you." Frank muttered, she nodded plugging in a small usb drive in the tv before walking up, the tv flickered slightly and you could see inside the room, the nurse smiled and climbed down.

"Gerard, I just installed a system so you can have me come when every you need me, just press this button towards that device and I will come to you, okay?"

"Okay." Gerard rasped.

She moved out the way, letting everyone see him. They gasped in shock, Gerard had blood all over his shirt, he was pale and turning green, his hazel eyes fade looking dead. He was connected to a machine, and every time he coughed you could see blood and a blue liquid come out.

The nurse emptied a bucket of the stuff and brought it back to him. Gerard croaked, he looked like shit. They could only assume the poison did this, and they began to tear up, because Gerard was suffering because he of the poison, they could only imagine what would have happened if they had it. They watched him and in a moment they were all angered, they looked at Frank and Frank was shaking in anger.

"Rodrigo dies tomorrow, and most importantly I will make sure he suffers more then what my Gerard is experiencing at the moment." Frank smiled sinisterly and walked to where the video call took place.

He called his uncle who was sitting at the same place as before.

"I want to show you something." Frank said, he forwarded a small video of the surveillance system, showing what Rodrigo did.

"I won't be easy on him, he will die a slow and painful death, ten times as what Gerard is suffering now." Frank spat out. His uncles face was pale in fear, he understood why Frank was chosen instead his son.

"If I experience anything from your kids, I will make sure that they experience the same. Don't try anything Uncle, I'm someone you don't want to mess with at all, and even more when you try to take something from me." Frank threatened.

He ended the call, and before storming out he knocked down a photo. He walks into the room to see his family reason up at the probable loss of their mistress, and even some men were starting to get angry. He noticed then that Gerard was the one that would bring the family together, and most importantly fix him. He only frowned when he saw Cali in tears, he hugged her and she wailed out, her tears writing Frank's shirt and Frank's hands rubbing her back. He wanted to see Gerard but he knew he couldn't. It hurt him that he couldn't see Gerard, and he fell awful that he had called him ungrateful, truly the only ungrateful one her was him.

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