Four: Soap.

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It was a rather dreary day, or that's how Gerard remembered it. He was in the car with his dad driving, they were on the way to their house. Gerard was strapped in his chair playing with the wooden toy car that they got for him last Christmas. Gerard made car noises as he flew the car up in the air, he giggled and clapped. "Dad can you sing the song you sing to mama?"

His dad smiled and chuckled. "Baby boy, don't you know it?"

Gerard nodded. "But I wanna hear you sing it!"

"Only of you help me." he responded.

Gerard smiled. "Okay Dad!"

"Hands in mine, into your icy blues..." Gerard's dad sang.

"And then I say to you." Gerard sang back. His dad smiled, Gerard smiled back with a goofy grin.

"We could take to the highway." Gerard's dad chuckled.

"Dad can we get pizza?" Gerard interrupted. His dad laughed. "When we get back, Gerard."

"Promise?" the little five year old said.

"Promise." He said, and smiled. He looked back only to see that Gerard fell asleep, and a huge screech was heard when they crashed.

"Dad?" Gerard screamed, his tiny hand's bruised and dirty. He looked
around to see his dad being hauled in the ambulance.

"DAD!" Gerard shouted and he ran towards the ambulance. A lady picked him up, and he squirmed in her grasp. He calmed down when he saw his mommy, and began to cry.

While Gerard cried in his momma's lap his mother patted his head, and the lady spoke to her. "He's gone, but I assure you it's for a good cause. He left the child in the attachment car, and made sure he would be okay. We will contact you later."

The lady lied. They would never hear from her ever again, just like Gerard would never see his dad again.

"Mommy?" Gerard spoke softly. His mom looked down at him with sad eyes.

"Yes?" Her voice cracked slightly, her eyes watering.

"Will dad be back? He promised me that we would go get pizza after we get back. Dad is okay mama, he's fine? Momma why are your eyes spilling water, its not nice to spill water mommy." Gerard noticed his mom start sobbing, he held onto his mom"

"Hands in mine into your icy blues, and then I say to you, we could take to the highway." Gerard sang, and his mom hugged him.

"Whenever he gets back, we'll get some pizza." his mom said quietly. She looked at her child with sad eyes, and Gerard with his innocent and naive eyes.

Gerard smiled."Okay mama, we can't eat pizza until dad gets back!"

"Okay baby boy." She said softly.

Gerard hasn't eaten pizza in twenty years.

Tick Tock

Gerard was on the floor, reading one of the books that the "library"
had. Frank had only just awoken, his eyes situated on the pile of blue scrubs.

"What are you wearing?" Frank broke the silence.

Gerard turned the page, his eyes fixed on the book. "That's our
clothes, third rank gets quality scrubs."

"C'mon Gerard, tell your roommate we's gonna be headin' towards the
showers." Bob called through the cell. Gerard stood up and Frank
followed, they all went to the shower area. Gerard grabbed his hand and led him towards the number three. These showers were recently
cleaned, although there were no curtains to help cover them up.

Frank removed his clothes, and everyone stared at him. Gerard noticed, but Frank was still in fazed that he didn't realize.

As Frank undid his shirt, Gerard's eyes widened. Frank had so many tattoos on his body, and Gerard noticed all the others staring too. Frank turned around and then Gerard saw it, the soap dropped. It was
almost a comical situation, the phrase was a joke on the outside of prison. That was a different story when you were inside the prison, so when Gerard looked at the others staring at Frank with lust he glared.

Frank bent down and picked up the soap, in a flash a man was walking over there. Gerard grabbed Frank and pushed him in his shower, and
smirked when the man retreated in terror. He stepped out the shower
and looked at everyone there. "I hope you don't ever look at him like
that again, or you'll be shredded meat in the cafeteria next time."

"You know your small dick can't compare to mines." Mr. Cocky as Gerard named him said. No one actually has seen Gerard naked, since he
always had a pair of briefs on when he entered and left the showers.

When Gerard stepped out and looked at Mr. Cocky, he smirked. His length was a good eight or nine inches, and the asshole that taunted him was just the average six. He went back in and closed the curtain, he had gotten that as a gift, that was paid from someone anonymously. He knew who it was, but they didn't so Gerard intended to keep that from everyone. Frank was washing himself and he looked at Gerard. Gerard stared at him. "Ever heard of the phrase, don't drop the soap?"

Frank's eyebrows were raised, "Is it beacause the floor is dirty?"

Gerard wanted to face palm into the cold concrete beneath them, He looked up only to see Frank washing himself and minding his own business. He shook his head, Frank was too innocent to be here. He must have been framed, Gerard wanted to find out everything about Frank's past, and more importantly about his future. Someone like Frank doesn't deserve to be here, in Gerards mind neither did he. He rather the world be ignorant then to witness such a terror. He knew how much it fucked him and them up, and he really didn't want the rest of the town or world to know what that man did in his spare time.

"Frank. What did you do to get in here." Gerard had asked him when they were done showering. He looked after Frank with fierce eyes.

"I really don't know." Frank said, he frowned.

Gerard stepped closer. "Were you framed?"

Frank shrugged. "I think I was, I don't even know why I'm here."

"Come on, we haven't eaten in a while." Gerard said exiting the area with Frank in tow.

I hope you have a happy holiday, if its Hanukkah or Christmas or whatever you do. I hope you spend it happily, I want to say that at this moment I'm updating early, I will probably update Sunday. I will be posting a little one shot book called 7 days of christ-smut and the first one will be up Friday! The book will be finished on Christmas day!

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