Twenty: Plans

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The day where Gerard would be wedded was here. It was only a three months ago when Gerard and Cali were planning the wedding, and Gerard felt amazing in his dress.

He waited for the cue, watching the now three year old walk down the aisle with white lilies in her hands. Slowly one by one everyone went to their places. The music began to play.

Gerard walked down slowly and carefully, watching Frank's face as he stepped towards him,  once he reached his spot he smiled at Frank. Frank was in awe, he couldn't believe that Gerard was his.They were standing at the alter hand in hand, both had wide smiles on there face.

"Does anyone object-" The pastor was cut short.

"I do! Frank shouldn't marry someone like the pathetic thing he's holding hands with." Jamia shouted. Frank shoved Gerard and went to kiss Jamia.

"I don't love you, like I loved you yesterday." Frank said.

Gerard screamed, he jolted up and he looked around before plopping back down. He looked at the clock, before deciding that he was going to strain his eyes trying to see what time it was, so he checked his phone. It was only two in the afternoon, he looked at the bed to see that Frank wasn't by his side. He then remembered that Frank would be with his cousin, Cali was taking care of the baby and Brendon was doing something. The baby was  being raised by the whole family, but especially Cali. She felt that it was her job to make sure the baby went the right path, the baby was adopted by the whole family, but it got Gerard thinking that he would like a child of his own.

He got out the bed, putting on his black and grey fuzzy boots and his black joggers along with a black plain shirt. He walked out the room and saw Frank's cousin bruised up and sitting by the couch, he looked up to see Gerard before looking down again, Frank was talking but Gerard couldn't understand jack shit.

"It's rather rude to barge in and threaten someone's spouse, I should have you killed. I really should, but you see I don't think your father would like it. Let's have a chat with your father." Frank spoke in a calm voice, he turned on the television and his uncle popped up.

"Frank? Is that you?" His uncle asked. He smiled warmly, and laughed.

"Bout time you called me, haven't heard from you in the longest." He chuckled.

Frank grinned. "I've been busy, but tell me why your son thought it was a good idea to come and try to kill me and invading my place?"

His uncle's grin disappeared. "What am I going to do with this boy, Rodrigo why don't you understand that Frank is the one in charge of the business he rightfully is the next heir to the throne."

"I just wanted to surprise him, wanted to see if he is the right person!" Rodrigo said.

Frank frowned. "You came in and pointed a gun at my future spouse, and killed a woman."

"The woman was dying anyways, I asked her if she would do this job for me, and her family would be paid for it. The baby isn't even hers, it's an orphan."

"I wouldn't be upset, but you threatened to kill Gee." Frank spoke, his uncle made a surprised sound.

"You're getting married?" He asked, he looked at Frank in utter shock.

Frank smiled. "Oh, I forgot to tell you that. I'm marrying a very skilled, sassy, and smart-"

"Don't forget beautiful." Gerard spoke walking in, he looked towards Rodrigo, and a low growl came from his throat

"Gee? What are you doing up? Have you ate anything?" Frank asked, his uncle tried turning to see who it was, but then stopped because the only way he could see was if the camera turned.

"I've had something. Who are you talking to?" Gerard spoke softly, he sat on the couch and crossed his legs leaning against Frank. Frank smiled, and began to play with Gerard's black hair.

"My uncle Robinson." Frank responded.

"He doesn't look like a skilled person Frank. I trust your judgement, don't make me disappointed." He said and shortly he ended the call after telling him to send Rodrigo back. He only laughed when Rodrigo looked at Frank in disgust.

"Have a problem? I love to show my soon to be husband some affection." He chuckled, Gerard smiles and leaves the room.

"Cali made breakfast, so don't take long." Gerard said as he walked out the room. Frank stood up, grabbing Rodrigo and exiting the room.

"I don't get why you choose him, he isn't a woman and can't have children." Rodrigo spoke softly.

Frank rolled his eyes. "Don't think just because he can't have babies means you can take up the business. When time comes we will decide what happens, that is none of your concern."

"Gerard?" Cali said in a worried tone, Gerard had been shaking, everyone was eyeing their meals, they couldn't eat until the boss was here.

Frank walked into the room, and in instant Gerard flipped the table, the food splattering everywhere.

"Gerard!" Cali shrieked

Frank turned red. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Cali spent so much time making that? You're so ungrateful, I don't know if I can marry someone like that."

Gerard was still shaking, his hand clutching the table, there was knife thrown. No one threw it, but it landed on Rodrigo's arm.

Gerard looked at Frank, two knives hurled at him. They stopped inches away from him, before they were dropped.

"You trust this fucking physco?" Rodrigo shouted, he clutched his arm in pain.

"Don't question me Rodrigo." Frank said.

Cali eyes widened. "Frank?!"

"Cali get over here!" Frank shouted.

Cali shook her head.

"I won't marry ungrateful brats, I knew I should've trusted family then some prisio-" Frank said sadly.

Gerard looked at everyone. They all looked doubtful, he smiled. They didn't know if they should trust him, and Frank was acting on their unease. "Go ahead and trust your cousin."

Frank stared at Gerard questionably.

"Next time I won't save them, they can all die from poison." Gerard grabbed some food and placed on the plant, only for it to wither away slowly.

Frank was shocked. He didn't believe what he was seeing, he thought he saw it all.

"Rodrigo, you can't trap the mouse with something that the mouse has already placed before. By the way, it smells too much like almonds, you should have added more seasoning to cover it up."

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