Eleven: Date

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I decided to update this because tragician_child broke my heart in the recent chapter and I figured we need some fluff and happiness.

Frank and Gerard were closer after that night, they couldn't take their hands off each other. Frank would laugh and Gerard would giggle at him. Gerard was running around the pool because Frank was trying to get him in the cold water.

"No Frankie! I don't want to go in, it's too cold!" Gerard yelled. Frank laughed and tackled him into the shallow part of the water.

"Fuck Frank!" Gerard squealed, the cold water making him shiver.

Frank smiled and help him. "Baby doll, wanna go out somewhere today?"

Gerard smiled, he looked at Frank with bright eyes. "Sure Frankie, where we going?"

Frank smirked. "I'm not telling you, but think of it as a date."

Gerard blushed. "A date? Why, I mean okay."

Frank laughed and kissed Gerard, and smiled when Gerard laughed in between the kiss.


They headed towards the local mall near them, just so happened to be Gotham Mall. It was kinda hilarious because Gerard was a huge comic book nerd. They entered and Gerard was in awe, because it was huge. That wasn't the last time Gerard would say that if he's around Frank. His mind was in the gutter because he started to think about something that would probably kill ever homophobic christian anywhere. Gerard wondered if anyone saw the slight bulge in Frank's pants, he noticed it right away. That was only because he was staring at Frank every two seconds, it would be highly embarrassing if they pointed it out or if he was caught.

Gerard thought to himself that he should really get his mind out the dirty place it was in, because despite what many people would think if they heard his thoughts, he wasn't referring to a cock. Well you can cock it, but that wasn't the point, no the bulge in Frank's pants was a gun. Gerard didn't know much about guns, so he only assumed it had a silencer.

Even as a mafia boss, he couldn't risk drawing attention towards him. Gerard felt slight concern when he figured out what it was. The pair of men walked into a store, it was every emo's heaven. Hot Topic, know to be a dark store with demonic stuff. Gerard rolled his eyes, because yeah the amount of geeky stuff in there just screams Satan. Hot Topic was the first place you would want to go if you were looking for something that would scream weird for society. It was the only decent place to buy your favorite band merch, in total seriousness Hot Topic is filled with items you wish you could have if you weren't as broke like many of the jobless teens that wandered in.

Gerard used to be one of the people who would wander in and leave disappointed because twenty dollars for one damn shirt was too much for someone who couldn't even get a job. The majority of people would want to get the crew necks but thirty dollars was way over their budget. In a way Gerard understood because he remembered trying to get the vinyl for The Smashing Pumpkins's new album, it was difficult to buy seeing as Gerard was a broke fucker at the time. Siamese Dream was one of Gerard's most wanted items, because he really wanted to hear the song Mayonnaise, just because it was one Gerard's favorite songs. The lyrics just screamed out to him, which was really ironic because it was a rather slow and touching song. He felt a deep connection to Billy Corgan, not just because they look so similar, because if he could he would form a band and share his story inspiring others to get better. He was a messed up 16 year old looking for his favorites band album in the year 1993.

Frank was grasping his hand at the time, and he smiled watching how Frank was eyeing a shirt too high for him. Gerard stood reached over and brought the shirt down. Frank pouted muttering something that Gerard wasn't meant to hear. "All these fuckers are taller than me making me feel like I'm a motherfucking elf, the only gifts i'll be giving people are their death wish."

Gerard tried his hardest to not burst in a fit of laughter, all he did was let out a small chuckle before reuniting with his, at this point Gerard didn't know what to call him. He was looking at Frank buying some shirts and other items... He wasn't going to question the bras he held in his hand. Frank could have some fucked up fetish, but Gerard really could judge him because in his spare time he would prance in pretty skirts around their room. He wasn't going to say that aloud, but he didn't even register that Frank was buying some type of lingerie. Frank really wanted to leave because the guy hasn't stopped staring at Gerard, and Gerard was totally oblivious. The man was talking about 'Hot Cash' Frank really wanted to jump over the counter and punch the guy for staring at his soon to be spouse like that. Yeah Frank was angered so he was rushing the guy, and just to fuck with him, he called Gerard over there. Gerard walked over silently, looking at Frank with innocent eyes. His face was already warm with color, so he only smiled.

"Hey baby doll? Wanna go to the movies? Or maybe you want to go home and try out the things a bought from here?" Frank said, the last part in a low husky voice. Gerard blushed, he looked like a fucking tomato. Gerard didn't want to do anything after that, so he just nodded. Frank wanted to mess with the fucking cashier even more.

"Hmm? Baby doll? You gonna say something? You know I don't like waiting?" Frank said. The cashier was looking down because yeah it didn't a fucking genius to figure out what they were talking about. Gerard was hesitant.

Gerard looked down. "Can we go to the movies first?"

Frank felt like just jumping onto him and kissing him, because he didn't expect him to play along. The cashier was blushing now, and gave Frank the incorrect amount of Hot Cash before attending to the others. Gerard and Frank left to watch a movie, just so happened to be Crimson Peak before leaving to the mansion.  Frank informed Gerard that it was just a thing he wanted to do see the cashiers reaction.

"Let's see how you react when your losing control and being consumed by pleasure." Gerard said.

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