Six: Selfish

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Gerard leant back against Frank's chest, and he felt safe. He hasn't felt like so in years, and he felt weak. He always had this fake expression, he wanted to cry. He did, he was a sobbing mess as his life flashed behind his eyes. He didn't notice when. Frank had begun to play with his hair but he did notice when he started to hum.

"This is gospel for the fallen ones. Locked away in permanent slumber, assembling their philosophies."

He hugged Gerard and felt like he was protecting him. Frank wanted to care for Gerard and he didn't want anyone to make him anymore miserable. He felt that it was his job to insure the safety and happiness of Gerard. Gerard's eyes felt like they were stinging, he was just sniffling.


Gerard was a bit shocked hear Frank calm him that, he hasn't heard anyone call him that in two decades. He hated that name, but he didn't seem to mind when Frank called him it. He hasn't felt something like this since he was a child. He felt like crying again.

"Gee? Are you okay? Actually scratch that, will you be okay?" Frank whispered.

Gerard nodded. "I'm fine, just had some bad thoughts.."

Frank moved closer towards him and held Gerard tighter. "Mind if I ask what about?"

Gerard hesitated. "Yeah, it's personal. I won't say much about it.."

Frank nodded. "Tell me what you feel comfortable with."

"It's just, I wasn't exactly the person that I made to be. My crime was done out of rage, but I was scared. I put this façade that I was tough and mean. I'm not tough, I'm very much weak. I just couldn't stand that I was such a pansy, i guess I just forgot how it is to feel so many emotions again. I just don't know what to do." Gerard voice cracked at the end.

"You're not weak, the fact that you are able to live in this place states otherwise. It doesn't matter if your crime was done in rage, you did it even knowing the consequences, don't feel weak because you aren't." Frank whispered to him.

Gerard smiled. "Frank, do you think I'm a bad person?"

"I'm sure you did something that was bad, but for a good reason." Frank assured Gerard.

"I did, I just did it for some important people who didn't deserve anything they had." Gerard muttered.

Gerard turned around his head on Frank's chest, their legs tangled together. Frank's hand were dangerously low, and Gerard did nothing. He loved it, he was a bit of a freak, but he loved it. Gerard accidentally touched Frank's wound, causing Frank to dig his nails into Gerard's skin. Gerard bit his lip to stop any embarrassing noise, Frank moved Gerard's hand. Gerard let out a whimper and Frank snapped his view towards the maker of the sound. Gerard hid his head,   Frank smiled at how cute Gerard was being. He lifted Gerard's head and smiled at him, Gerard looked down, and there was a small dust of pink on his cheeks. They stared at each other for a while, neither off then realizing that they were leaning in, and they could feel each other's exhales. They were inches from each other, and then they shot up. The cell was being opened, and they jumped apart.

"Alright shit bags, it's time to get your hour of air." A  new guard spoke, he looked like a rock with skin. He had a accent but they couldn't put a finger on it, they stepped off the lower bunk before stepping outside and going to their places. The pond became a small creek, and they swam in it. Granted it was no deeper then four feet, but it still felt good to have something like that. Frank smiled when Gerard fell asleep in his arms once again, he wanted to cherish this moment and he knew that he had to get them out of here. He wasn't gonna let Gerard suffer from something like this, he thought that maybe the way home was through Gerard.

"I can't believe I've waited all this time, to figure out what's missing. I can't believe that this is happening to me, this won't keep happening to me." Frank whispered.

He felt one single tear roll down his cheek, he felt sorry for Gerard. He shouldn't have to feel like this, no one should. It reminded him of his teenage years, granted he can't seem to recall most of it. He would get terrible headaches when he tried to remember the past, and he figured it would come back to him in time. He felt calm, and Gerard was still cling on to him like a lifeline. He got out of the small creek, Gerard began to stir in his sleep. After having to wake up Gerard, Frank put on his clothes and shortly after Gerard did too. Guards came in and escorted them to their cells, Frank rolled his eyes at the young man who seemed as if someone shoved his pride up his ass. Frank let out a low chuckle, the guard took it as a threat and threw Frank to the floor. Bob came in running and helped me up, he set me down onto the bed that they provided for us.

"I'll let you of with a warning, I assume your the new one. You are to treat the third ranks with more care, you shouldn't throw them on the floor like that." Bob explained. The guard seemed a little pissed off.

"Why's that?" The guard asked.

Frank was half asleep, and in seconds he was plunged in darkness. Gerard slid next to Frank, cuddled with body while he slowly fell asleep. He over heard valuable information, he didn't think much of it. He only smiled when Frank let out a small snore, cuddling up Gerard. Gerard was once again rested in the crook of Frank's neck, and he loved it.

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