Fourteen: Sass

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Frank hasn't seen Gerard in the whole day, it concerned him slightly. He didn't really care seeing as he was from that place. Frank had forgotten where he met Gerard, Cali had informed Gerard of this and said it was fine. Gerard didn't want Frank to remember the day he cried.

Gerard was with Brendon and another three men, when Nalis and four others came down and began to threaten Gerard. They did nothing, because they would tell him that his suitor was weak and was sneaking items with him. Frank believed his girls, the members did nothing.

"You're still here? Didn't you get the message? Leave, no one wants you here." Nalis said.

"What Nalis said, no one wants a pathetic excuse for a spouse here." The girl beside her added.

"Lynz, don't be rude. How can that thing ever be even considered a spouse?" Nalis said.

"Yeah Lynz, you're insulting everyone who is wed. That awful thing can't get married." The other girl said.

"You're right Angie, why be so rude to others. They have nothing to do with this lowlife." Lynz said.

"He can't even do shit like we can, at least we can defend ourselves." Angie said.

Nalis smiled. "Jamia do you even consider this thing human?"

"As if, no one's taking Frank from me. I only share him with my girls, I don't want that thing near our Frank." Jamia said.

"Awe is the little bitch gonna leave Frank, because we all know he's pathetic?" Angie said.

"Angie, even a bitch has more than worth then him." Jamia said. Gerard was pissed. Cali's eyes widened, and she noticed he was seething.

She whispered to Brendon, "Shit is about get ugly."

"You know we ought to show you a lesson, you seem fun to torture." Nalis said. The men said nothing, Gerard would be dead in a week anyway. Brendon felt the need to help Gerard, but he stood still. They drew there weapons, Nalis's weapon was a pair of scissors. Lynz's was a axe, Angie's was was a box cutter, and Jamia's was a pocket knife.They shoved him to the ground, and the men watched them. Nalis was ready to attack, but Gerard stood up. Lynz jumped in ready to plunge her axe in his head. Gerard spun in one quick circle and tiny daggers grazed their arms. The men looked at Gerard in shock.

"Frank, nor does anyone here except Cali knows where I came from." Gerard stated.

They growled and began to stand up, when he pushed them back to the ground. "Cali, do you mind reading my file?"

Cali shook her head. "I don't mind, I'll start now. Gerard Arthur Way, 24 years old. Gerard Arthur Way offense is man-slaughter, he will be sentenced to death as a form of punishment for his crimes. He was arrested at his house, where the human remains were found. He brutally killed 10 people, including the Mayor and the rest of his family. The head of the dead mayor was found later at the garden, the head was stuck on a stick. Gerard was also found guilty of stealing billions of dollars, it is believed that he is connected to the death of the entire football team, and the brutal murder of most student athletes in his school. He is also associated with the death of 66 people that were found dead after his school was set on fire, he had trapped many of his fellow classmates, it is confirmed that they had bullied Gerard way. It is successfully killed many of his bullies, in total it is believed that Gerard way murdered at least 90 people. Gerard Way was put in the third rank of MSI, under beliefs of complete insanity and a precaution to the staff of MSI."

The men were shocked, and the girls slightly trembled with fear. Fuck they were gonna be dead soon.

"All of this, but you still can't keep Frank satisfied." Jamia said.

"We make him cum in 10 minutes." Lynz pointed out

Gerard laughed like a maniac, "Am I supposed to be impressed? He came in five minutes, should've seen how shaky he was after of it. Even said that it was the best one yet, are you offended?"

They looked at one another, it would take them around ten minutes to make him cum, and even then it wasn't like he was receiving high amounts of pleasure. In fact, they could tell it was forced, he would think of something else to make him come.

"Nice meeting you, bye bye." Gerard smiled, the girls were preparing to strike when Gerard took two knifes put his pockets, he flung them towards the girls. Hitting Angie and Nalis, he did a flip as Lynz swung the axe towards him, grabbing Nalis's scissors he stabbed her leg. She gasped in pain and her axe was out of her grasp, in one quick swipe Gerard managed to injure Jamia's arm. Lynz got up grabbing one of the knifes and tried to stab him. She failed when Gerard ducked and kicked her in the chest. Run up to the wall and bouncing off from it he spun and stabbed Lynz in the shoulders, Lynz fell and screamed in pain.

They were all injured, and Gerard didn't even sweat.

Brendon stared at Gerard, he just injured Frank's precious girls. Gerard looked at Cali, and then to the rest. "Cali, I want you to burn the file. I don't want anyone reading my business aside from you, no one was to find out that I escaped death row with Frank."

Cali nodded and went to do just that, Gerard left to the kitchen and came back with garbage bags. He put bags on there heads adding holes so they wouldn't die.

"Time to take out the trash." Gerard said, tied the girls up with spare ropes and hauled them up the room where they used to sleep together.

He looked at one of the girls, Jamia and smirked. He laid her down on the bed, and smiled. Grabbing a piece of paper, he wrote a message.

"Before you try to cheat, make sure your girls won't get beat. Before you fuck them into hell, make sure your suitor didn't leave the death row cell. Before you think of betraying, make sure you know who's paying. Make sure to close the god damn door, because now your girls are on the floor. While you were visiting the shores, I just knocked out all your whores."

Gerard could seriously compete with William Shakespeare, because that poem was just magic. So Gerard was clever with words, actually he was just incredibly clever.

Brendon was still in shock, because yeah Frank was going to be really mad. He ran upstairs after Gerard to see all three girls tied to the wall. They were unconscious and Gerard was enjoying every part of it.

"Gerard?" He called out.

"Brendon? Come in!" Gerard said. Brendon walked in and looked around to see Gerard sitting down.

"You came with Frank?" He asked. He wasn't going to sugarcoat it, he was being blunt.

"Yeah, prison cell mates. He was the only I could really talk to." Gerard muttered.

"Why do you sound sad?" Brendon asked.

"I fell for the Frank I met, the one who sang to me. The one who listened to me, the one who cuddled and kissed me. That Frank isn't here, he's always too busy to pay attention to me. When I found out it was because the whores in front of me, I wanted to explode. I don't want to feel like I can be replaced by these whores." Gerard explained. He was whimpering and was going to start crying soon.

Brendon still couldn't believe they underestimated Gerard, out of all of them Gerard look the most innocent.

"Leave Brendon." He said. Brendon left and he frowned when he realized that yeah Gerard was falling for Frank.

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