One: Hell

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The inmates were in the run down cafeteria, all of them staring at the entrance in anticipation. As the young man walked in, many people were already disappointed. They stated at him and rolled their eyes, Caleb smirked at Kory.

The twenty year old, began to walk towards the first ranks when a guard stopped him. "Where the fuck are you going, you don't get to sit here."

The prisoners looked with disinterest, Caleb spoke up. "Hey sit over here dumbass!"

The cafe was filled with short raspy laughs. Frank starts to walk over there, when the guard pulls on him. The laughter dies down when the familiar black and white hair is seen. "Fuck it's Gerard."

Gerard sits down at the third rank table, all eyes on him. The guard swallows, griping Frank's arm. "Alright fucker, go sit at your rank's table."

Frank heads towards the second rank's table, the guard grabs him again. "That's not where you go, your rank is the third one so go sit your ass down."

The prisoners look at Frank in shock. What could a twenty year-old do to land him in third rank. Frank sat down, next to Gerard looked down as Gerard looked up. "What the hell are you looking at, want me to take your eyes out??"

The prisoners looked down, some of them sneaking glances toward the third table. "What's your name kid?"

"Frank." Frank spoke.

"Gerard." Gerard said in a monotone voice.

"I'll have to show you the ropes around here later, right now let's focus on what you need to do if any of the lower ranks treat you like shit." Gerard lifted his feet on the table they say at.

Frank stood completely still, Linda wouldn't be very happy. James wouldn't be proud now, what the hell did he do. "Where am I?"

"Shit, they most have drugged you when you came in." Gerard gritted through his teeth.
Frank furrowed his eyebrows.

"Mission State Imprisonment. In short words, death row." Gerard told Frank.

Frank eyes widened. "Shit."

Guards lead the prisoners to their correct cells and rank, leaving the two men alone. Gerard took out a small stick of cancer, as he put it in his mouth. His lips wrapping around the small stick, he grabbed Frank arm and leading him towards the third rank cells.

"You're rooming with me. You're lucky as fuck that you don't have to be around anyone else." Gerard started.

"You're not as cruel as I've heard." Frank said.

Gerard sighed. "That's because what I did wasn't something I did with no actual reason. Let's just say that the way that the judge saw it, wasn't in a good light."

Frank nodded.

"There's a difference between doing something for fun, and doing something to get someone out of the hell hole they've lived in for years." Gerard said.

Frank bit his lip.

"-Fuck, I guess they don't see it as I do. To hell with it, he's out and that's all I give a shit about." Gerard laughed bitterly.

"Lights out!"

Gerard looked at Frank. "Tomorrow is another day, we can fuck it up or we can have some fun, it's up to you."


The prisoners sat down at the cafe early in the morning. They looked at the opening of the cafe, silently waiting for the third ranks. Two officers walked in at that moment, and sat down in the first table.

"Listen up shit heads, we have received another third rank prisoner. Like we did with Gerard, we are giving brief information on Frank Lero."

The shit heads looked at the officer. The officer clears his throat before he brings.

"This message is given to the prisoners and faculty of Mission State Imprisonment. We inform you that a new prisoner will arrive to the facility soon. On November 13 2016, 20 year-old Frank Iero will be admitted, his crimes will not be listed here or anywhere. The basics of Frank's crime is mass-murder, to take proper precautions we will list some of the things that you should not do when near him. The list below states..." The officer pauses.

The officer starts again. "Do not allow him to see any form of blood. Do not allow him to leave when it's raining. Do not make him angry. Refrain using any phrases that threatens him. This message is approved by Jawn Seena."

[ John Cena pops out of nowhere. Nah I'm just messing with y'all.]

The prisoners look at each other in shock, but there was few shit heads that didn't believe it. These officers were just misplacing him, they have done that in the past. They didn't even have a actually classification, a glint in big ole' Bert's eye told the surrounding assholes that all hell will break lose in MSI.


Frank woke up to see no one there, a small groan echoed in the empty cell. The sound of water dripping is heard.

Drip Drop Pit Pat

Gerard stepped out his face washed and he looked at Frank. "Might wanna get up, breakfast is soon. Which means the shop is open."

Frank turned around in his bed. "Shop? What shop?"

"Where do you think I get the cigs? They close soon, so if you want anything I'll get your ass up and follow me." Gerard said smirking.

"Fuck." Frank stood up and look towards Gerard. He smiles and shortly after he follows Gerard.

Gerard thinks, maybe Frank can get some of the something else in his seductive mouth. He would work wonders, Gerard is sure of it.

"Gerard." Frank says, Gerard spun around and looked at Frank.

"What do they sell?" Frank asks shyly.

Gerard frowns. "Whatever they might have, sometimes you can request them something for them to bring you.."

"But we don't have money..." Frank purses his lips.

Gerard smirked. "We don't pay by money, we pay through ranks."

Gerard pauses. "Third ranks get everything, well almost everything free. The prison does it, they know about it, the thing is that if you slip up or anything you get restrictions. Smart way to keep us in good behavior, but if you want something illegal. You can trade whatever you get from the officers to the drug dealers at the roof."

He turns to look at Frank. "Let's just say, the stuff from the roof can come with a risky price. I wouldn't take the risk of losing my life over some drug."

He looked at Frank. "Just because you're in death row, doesn't mean you have to die so soon."

I'm such a little jokester.

Here it is! The first chapter in death row. 

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