#42 As a Family (#2)

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Nick: 3 years old
Ella: 2 years old

"C'ere." Niall held out his arms for Nick to cuddle in, while Ella was in your arms.

"What movie should we watch tonight?" You asked.

"Can weh watch the widile mermaid." Ella asked struggling to say 'little' because she was so young she can barely pronounce words properly but you guys were working on it.

"Yeah, let me put the DVD in. Which one should we watch? The fist one, second one or third one?" You asked holding them out.

"The first one! Nick squealed.

"Okay." You put the DVD in and climbed back under the covers of your bed with your family.

"This is nice." Niall sighed.

"Yeah." You responded.

"Mummy these annoying Disney commercial thingy's are annoying." Nick whined.

"Shhh don't whine, baby they'll be over soon. Just relax in daddy's arms." You tried to calm him down but he won't stop complaining.

"I think I can fast forward on this." You picked up the remote and lucky you can fast forward on this.

"Yay!" The movie started and you sighed and got more comfy.

Niall Horan ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang