#9 You find out that your Pregnant (1)

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Pregnancy was something you always kept in the back of your head. Sure, it would be nice to have a kid one day but not now. You and Niall only had unprotected sex 2 or 3 times and it kind of freaked you out a little.

Ever since last week you have been having mood, swings cravings, and morning sickness. I knew for sure that it wasn't my period because I just got off last week. So this morning I woke up and went to the store early and bought some test and his them away in the bathroom so Niall wouldn't see and when he leaves to go to the studio I'll take the test.

"Alright, love! I'm leaving." Niall yelled from the doorway of the house, putting his shoes on getting ready to leave.

"Wait! I want to say bye!" You shouted and ran down the stairs and jumped on your wonderful boyfriend.

"I love you." You too passionately kissed and hugged.

"I'll only be there today for about 5 hours to finish some of my solo's then I'll be back home to cuddle with you. K princess?" You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him one final kiss before running up to your bathroom to take a pregnancy test.

You've never been more nervous in your life.

Please be negative.

Please be negative.

Please be negative.

I rested the the test on the counter and waited.

Those 3 minutes felt like 3 hours but the time went off on my phone and my heart race sped up.



Holy crap!

How will I tell Niall? What if he doesn't want a baby? What are the fans going to say? What about MANAGEMENT?!?

Ok, Y/N relax. Everything will just be fine.

I walked into the my shared bedroom with Niall and lied on his side of the bed and buried my face in the pillow still freaking out on the inside. His pillow smelled so much like his perfume, which made me smile.
"Y/N, I'm home!" Your eyes flickered opens realizing you had fell asleep. You rubbed your eyes and walked down stairs to see your boyfriend.

"Did you fall back asleep?" Niall laughed taking you in for a long hug and kiss.

"Yeah." You laughed as well hugging him back. You then remembered that you were...pregnant. Wow.

"Umm, Niall we need to talk."

"Oh no, did I do something wrong."  He asked suspiciously.

"N-no. Not really." You responded. You guys sat on the couch.

"So, I um..took a pregnancy test and I'm pregnant." Woah. It didn't seem that hard like, at all. It feels a little reliving but now what is his reaction going to be like?

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