#48 St. Barts

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You and Niall were in St. Barts for your 26th birthday. This was Niall's present to you and he also got you two Louis Vuttion hand bags the ones that you've been dying to get.

"I can't believe we're in St. Bart's for my birthday! Thank you so much Ni this is the best birthday's ever and not because of the present you got me but we get to spend it together, just me and you." You pecked his lips and he moaned into the kiss.

"Let's go swimming." You mumbled against his lips.

"Let's go to the beach though, I don't want to go to the pool." You said and Niall nodded and took his shirt of because he was already were his swim shorts.

"Meet me my the door I need to put my bathing suit on." He nodded and kissed your cheek before he waited for you at the door.

You put on your favorite bathing suite you got back in Miami with your sister, it was all black and had strings that crossed over your chest making it almost like a zigzag pattern, it was a little scandalous but you liked it. Then you put on your white dress cover up so you weren't walking around in your bathing suit.

"Ready!" You shouted and grabbed your beach bag threw a book in their, headphones and your phone.

"It's really nice out today, I'm glad we're out of the cold from London and now in the warm heat of St. Bart's." Niall placed his hand on your thigh while he was driving and you smiled.

"Where should we go for dinner tonight?" You asked pulling out your phone to look at some restaurants.

"Mhm, I saw online this morning a restaurant island. It's was so cool it was a really big rock with a restaurant built on it and you had to take a boat to it." Niall said. We came to a stop light and he showed me the picture on his phone.

"That looks nice should we make reservations?" You asked.

"I already did." Niall said with a cheeky grin.

"I knew you would like it so I went ahead and did it. Also, I don't want you to do anything because it's your birthday vacation and it's all about you!" You smiled. How did you get so lucky to have the most amazing and caring boyfriend any one could ask for.

The light turned green and Niall turned the corner on the street the led to the beach.

"The chairs and towels are in the trunk, I'll get them out." Niall got out and by the time you got out he had everything out of the trunk.

"Why don't you come in the water? It's really cool not and relaxing and not cold." Niall shook his hair over you and the water fell on your back from were you were tanning.

"Niall can I at least tan first." Niall groaned.

"You don't need to tan your beautiful just the way you are and you've been tanning for 30 minutes now." He said.

"Fine I'll get up." Niall picked me up and I screamed and put my hand over my mouth because people were staring. He swung me over my shoulder and I had to hold my ray bans so they wouldn't fall off.

"Niall!" You laughed as he ran down to the water and he got in until the water was up to his hip and put you in the water.

"It's it relaxing." You admitted. Niall nodded and wrapped his arms around your waist and held you from behind as you two stared ahead.

"I love you." You said.

"I love you more." You turned around to kiss him but he kissed you first.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." You sighed as you just hugged enjoying each other.

"Me too." He mumbled against your neck.

"Our reservations are at 7 by the way." He said.

"Okay." You responded.

"I can't wait to go to this restaurant." You said. You and Niall were currently on the boat going to the place and you were wearing a strapless red dress that was loose at the end so it would flow in the wind.

"You look so beautiful tonight." He kissed you.

"As always." He mumbled against your lips and you giggled.

"C'mon were here." He helped you off the boat and you couldn't believe how pretty this place was. There were gold lights and brown wooden stairs that went around the whole restaurant and some of the seating areas where you would sit and eat would go around the island so you had an amazing view of the ocean.

"Wow." Is all you managed to get out. The place was just so outstanding it must be very expensive.

"Come, let's sit down I have a surprise." He led you to a privet area that was down more closer to the water. It was actually on the water. There was a big patio with a table for two and small fishes that were bright colored and swam around it.

"I hope it's not too much, I just wanted to do something special for a special girl." Niall blushed and you laughed a little and kissed him.

"It's perfect Niall. Your perfect." You giggled.

"I love how cliche we are." Niall laughed and you laughed too.

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