#137 You Get into a fight (Part 1)

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"Where are you going?" Niall asked eyeing your outfit. You were wearing a black mini dress and black heels along with it.

"I'm going to the bar. You can come with me if you want." You smiled hoping he would say yes.

His eyebrows furrowed and he looked upset, causing you to pout.

"I'm good, thank you." He said harshly and walked into the living room.

"U-uh okay." You said.

"Love you." You said with the door half open waiting for Niall to respond.

"Love you too." He mumbled.

Your rolled your eyes, not liking his attitude and slammed the door shut.

You sat on the tool by the bar, alone, ignoring all the looks you were getting from people.

You were a bit drunk by this point but not sloppy drunk like everyone else around you in this place.

You really wish Niall was here. You don't even know why he was so mad earlier and it upset you because now your in a bad mood and the only person that could make you feel better is Niall. But he can't right now obviously.

They lighting was very low in the bar and loud with every dancing.

You looked around to see if your recognized anyone, until you spotted a guy sitting 3 seats down from you talking with a girl with dirty blond hair.

He had dark hair and his right arm was filled with tattoo's.

The girl was so pretty, her blonde hair was lying on her shoulder perfectly, she had these really pretty hazel eyes and she was laughing at what the guy just said. She caught you starring so you quickly looked away but then looked back realizing who she was.

The guy got up with his back still facing you as he stretched out his arms and turned around facing you. Your eyes met and your faced dropped realizing who it was.

"Y/N?" He said walking towards you and the girl following behind him.

"Hi....Zayn." You said getting off from your stool as he hugged you.

You realized the girl behind him was Gigi Hadid.

"This is my girlfriend, Gigi." He smiled proudly.

You smiled back and she smiled as you as you shook her hand.

"So you're here alone? Where's Niall, I haven't uh seen him since I..." You understood what Zayn was saying and how it was getting awkward.

"He's at home. Yeah, he seemed upset tonight so I just went by myself." You said.

"You shouldn't be here alone with all these drunk men." Zayn said wrapping an arm around Gigi.

"I know." You sighed grabbing your purse getting ready to leave.

"I think I'll just go home soon." You said.

"We were just leaving too, do you want us to drop you off home?" Gigi asked kindly.

"Oh no, I'm probably going to have one more drink then leave. I'll order a cab, thank you though." You smiled hugging them both.

"Bye!!" They both smiled and waved before exiting.

You sat back down in the stool and ordered one more round before you decided you would leave.

"Thank you." You told the bartender once he gave you your drink.

You gave him your money and drank the alcoholic beverage quickly before getting up and walking towards the exit.

On the way to the door you bumped into this girl accidentally.

"I'm sorry." You apologized.

The girl turned around and you could see it in her eyes that she was pissed and drunk.

"Watch it, b*ch." She spat, some of her spit flying onto your face.

"Excuse you!" You said.

She shoved you past her but you shoved her back and she fell backwards.

You eyes widen, not meaning to be that harsh but regretted it when her fist came in pack with your jaw.

You fell back and tasted blood in your mouth.

She tumbled back around and continued on dancing.

"Y/N! Shit!" Zayn yelled rubbing towards you with Gigi behind him.

He picked you up and helped you outside to get some air.

"I'll go get some napkins." Gigi said before running back inside.

"What the hell happened?!" Zayn asked looking at your bruised jaw.

Tears ran down your cheeks and Zayn hugged you.

"What happened." He asked more softer.

"I was walking out and I accidentally bumped into this girl and I apologized then she called me a b*tch." You explained and Gigi came back with a handful of napkins.

"Fuck, Zayn looks the paps." Gigi said getting up from the bench.

You three walked back into the bar and went into the hall by the bathrooms where it was quieter.

"So then I said excuse me and she shoved me so I shoved her back she fell back, then she punched me in the jaw and I fell to the ground and now my head hurts a little. And it really hurts to talk. Can you please call Niall and tell him to pick me up." You asked.

"Yeah, but you're going to the hospital because she might have broken your jaw." Gigi said seriously.

You nodded and wiped your eyes.

Niall's POV

I was sitting on the couch with a beer in my hand as The Holiday played on the TV.

I know I was harsh towards Y/N tonight and that's because I had a stressful day at the studio but it gives me no right to be mean to my princess.

Now I feel like shit and don't know what to do.

My phone started ringing, so I grabbed it from the coffee table.

I raised my eyebrow seeing that Zayn was calling me.


"Niall! Thank god. I need you to come to the bar that we would always go to. Y/N got in a fight and I think her jaw is broken." Zayn said.

My heart dropped and I put my beer on the coffee table and ran out the door still having Zayn on the phone.

"Text me the address now, I'm on my way." I said and hung up.

My poor princess

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