#83 He brings You out during an Interview

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The boys had an interview today on Ellen and Niall wanted to bring you since you don't go on many interviews and he also wanted to be with you as much as possible today.

"We have to go out now princess but hopefully this won't take long so you can be back in my arms." Niall smiled wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Yeah, me too." You smiled back kissing him.

"It's you." Niall spoke softly against your lips.

"What's me?" You asked.

"It's you. Your the one I love...and want to marry." Niall said shyly.

The corners of your lips turned up putting a huge smile on your face.

"It's you too, Niall." You said looking Niall straight in the eyes.

God you could stare at those eyes forever.

"Mhm. I love you Y/N." Niall said kissing you.

"I lo-" You were cut off by the door swinging open.

"Sorry to interrupt your little love session," Harry chuckled. "But they need Niall out now or els Paul said he would come in her and pull you of Y/N and carry you out." Harry said.

"Ugh fine." Niall sighed.

"I love you too." You finished before pecking Niall on the lips quickly before he had to go.

You sat in the chair and went in your phone for a while then left the room to go to stand behind the cameras where Sophia was standing waving at you.

You smile and walked over to her.

"Hey." You whispered before hugging her lightly.

"Hi. They said we had to be quite now because the interview has started.

"Oh, okay." You whispered. You saw Niall sitting next to Harry, he was sitting closer to Ellen than to the crowd.

"So, Liam! You have a girlfriend Sophia right?" Ellen asked and the crowd clapped.

"Yeah. She absolutely wonderful I couldn't be happier." Liam smiled and you looked at Sophia and she was smiling and blushing.

"But also, Niall you also have a girlfriend too. Y/N." Ellen smiled.

"Yeah, she's a beauty. I could stare at her all day, she's so beautiful and just nice to be around and I love her a lot so we're really happy." Niall smiled turning around to find you and once his eyes landed on yours he blew you a kiss. You blew him one back and smiled.

"Are they here today with you?" Ellen asked.

"Yeah." Liam and Niall shad nodding their heads. The crowd cheered.

"Can we bring them out?" Ellen asked and Sophia and you walked out and everyone started clapping.

You walked to Niall and Sophia walked to Liam and they held out their hands so you could sit on their laps.

You sat on Niall's lap and swung your legs to the side and Niall kissed your neck.

"Hi Y/N and Sophia." Ellen smiled at both of you.

You both said hi back and then she went on with asking the boys questions.

"Have any of you used each other's tooth brush?" Ellen asked and the crowd 'ooooed.'

"I have." Niall said laughing moving his hand into your thigh.

"Who's?!" Harry asked.

"Your actually." Niall laughed and Harry had the most confused look on his face and which made everyone laugh.

"Never Have I Ever gone skinny dipping?" Ellen asked flipping through her cards in her hand.

All the boys said yes except for Liam.

"They all went without you, uh Liam?" Ellen asked and we all laughed.

"It was once at a hotel and I think Liam was still sleeping so we all went at the pool at like 2am." Louis explained laughing a little.

"I have a question now for Y/N and Sophia." Ellen asked looking at you and you soon got nervous.

"What is the most romantic thing Liam and Niall have done to you." Ellen asked and you turned your head to look at Niall. Niall took the opportunity since you were really close to him, to kiss you and everyone awe.

You blushed and pulled away quickly.

"That's all they do is make out and be close together. Don't get me wrong were happy their happy and it's cute and all but it's like we would all be having a conversation and then you look at Y/N and Niall and there all over each other." Louis said and everyone laughed and you and Niall blushed and looked down.

"The most romantic thing Liam has done to me is he once for my birthday, sent me out with friends, right. Everyone knew this but me and my friends and I went out like it was just another day of us being friends and whatever. So as I'm out with my fiends eating lunch I get a call from Liam saying he needs my help like somethings wrong and of course that puts me in panic mode so I leave quickly and I was literally racing home I probably broke the speed limit but anyways I ran to our door and when I opened the door all the lights were off, my favorite candles were lit and rose peddles every where. So I walked more into the house and there was a cake on the table that said Happy Birthday Sophia I Love You So Much. So as I read the cake Liam came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around me and whispered happy birthday, I love you. It was really special and romantic and I will never forget it." Sophia said looking at Liam smiling.

"That's very cute." Ellen smiled before looking back at you.

"What about you Y/N?" Ellen asked me.

"Well, to be honest Niall has done a lot of romantic things for me and I appreciate them all but there's always been one that I really love the most," you said and Niall interlocked your fingers in your lap.

"It's was a snowy day and we had nothing to do so Niall decided that he would state all the reasons why he loves me." You smiled.

"Yeah and I still have a lot more reasons why I love her." Niall said while looking at you and only you.

"Aww." The crowd said.

"Unfortunately that's all the time we have for today." Ellen pouted and you all said bye before heading back.

"Ready to go home? I'm so tired." Niall sighed dropping his head on your shoulder.

"Yes I am I'm really tired too." You sighed grabbing your phone.

You too left the studio and drove home and went right to bed.

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