#68 Being woke up

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"Shh." You hushed Nick quiet as you swayed side to side with him in your arms.

Nick was now 2 months old, still a tiny little baby and waking you and Niall up every hour. You fed him right before so he would get some sleep and you and Niall as well.

You sighed happily seeing that he was already asleep so you placed him in his crib and Niall walked in.

"He's sleeping already, uh?" Niall asked wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.

"Yeah. I'm going to bed I'm so tired he had me up all night and tonight I wish for sleep. Goodnight." You kissed his cheek and walked out and Niall followed behind you.

30 minutes later

You woke up to your baby's high pitched cries and you sighed and threw your head in the pillow. You didn't want to wake up Niall so you got up and went to Nick.

"Shh, it's okay baby. Mummy's here." You kissed his little nose and he quieted down. You sat in the chair next to his crib and pulled the strap to your tank top down and let Nick feed.

You jumped when you felt a hand on you should but realized it was only Niall.

"Why didn't ya wake me?" He whispered.

"Because, you need to get sleep. Plus it's pointless for you to be up because all you can stood is stand by my side and I want you to get sleep. You deserve it." You said looking down at Nick.

"I know, but I like being up with you and if I don't, I feel bad." Niall said honestly.

"What ever makes you happy, love." You smiled and he smiled back.

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