#79 Dressing Issues and Sneeze-pee

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"Babe, hurry up everyone is there at the restaurant already waiting on us..." Niall whined to you as you tried to get your jeans on.

"Ugh, Niall I'm trying to go as fast as I can but its really hard now that I'm pregnant nothing fits me no more!" You yelled getting annoyed.

"Just wear a dress." Niall said walking into your closet to start looking for one.

"No no. I can't wear a dress." You said shaking your head.

"Why not? You look beautiful in them, they hug your body perfectly." Niall said honestly.

"I do not! I got so big and I'm only 5 months pregnant and every time I put on a dress my shoulders look so fat and I feel huge almost like a whale." You sighed and sat on the bench in the middle of your closet and Niall came and sat beside you.

"You look beautiful in your dresses. Any dress and you know what one I really like on you?" Niall whispered in your ear kissing you neck softly and nibbling on your earlobe an

"What dress?" You giggled.

"The black one you got from the Kardashian store, DASH."

Niall smiled against your neck and you put your hand over his, where it was on you lap

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Niall smiled against your neck and you put your hand over his, where it was on you lap.

"But it's not for pregnant woman, it would be too small." You sighed.

"Yeah, but can you at least try and ft into it? For me, because I love it on you." Niall pleaded you and you gave in.

"Okay." You said getting up.

You took of your shirt leaving you just in your bra and underwear and Niall handed you the dress.

You took a deep breath and said, "are you sure I mean I'm 5 months pregnant and my belly is bigger, I don't want to rip the dress." You pouted.

"Just try you'll never know 'till you try, right?" Niall said massaging your shoulders to relax you.

You nodded your head agreeing with him and stepped into the dress putting it up your hip and once it hit the baby bump it got tighter and tighter.

"Oh my god." You said trying to pull the dress up. You sucked your stomach in and that helped a little which put a smile on your face.

"Got it!" The dress was successfully on you just a little tight which made your bump really show but you didn't care at all.

"Gorgeous." Niall smiled.

"Thanks. Let me put my shoes on them we can leave." You said pulling out a pare of heals.

"We're really sorry we're late, guys." Niall said as you guys sat down with Liam, Sophia, Louis, Eleanor Kendall and Harry.

"It's okay, Harry and I just got here." Kendall smiled kindly.

After you all greeted each other you sat down next to Niall and Eleanor sat on your other side. The boys really just went on talking together as you and the girls talked.
"I'll have a salad, please." You said to the waiter handing him your menu.

"That's all you gonna get?" Niall whispered in your ear.

"Yeah, I gained a lot of wait, love." You whispered back and Niall rolled his eyes.

"Nonsense." Niall said clearly mad.

You shook it off and turned back to your conversation with Kendall.

"I love your dress" Kendall said to you.

"It is from your sisters store." You laughed a little and she did too.

"How do you like being pregnant?" Sophia asked you.

"Oh I love it so much. It's is crazy like to think that when we have our baby that half of it is Niall and the other half is me." You smiled brightly. You searched under the table for Niall's hand to hold. Once you found his hand that was resting on his knee you picked it up and interwind your hands and he noticed and glanced at you and smiled.

"So um-" you were interrupted by a sneeze and as you sneezed you peed a little and your eyes grew wide at you just realizing what just happen. You quickly faked couched and squirmed a little in your seat.

Niall knew that this happens sometimes because the doctor said it was normal for you to be pregnant and it only rarely happened.

You nudged Niall's ribs a little and he jumped.

"Ow, what?" Niall whined while rubbing his side.

"It happened again." You whispered.

"What happened again?" Niall mimicked you while laughing and you rolled your eyes.

"No, I mean I sneezed and I peed a little." You said embarrassed.

"Aww princess don't worry remember the doctor said it happened to a lot of pregnant woman." Niall reassured you by kissing you softly.

"Ok....but I have to go get cleaned up." You said still embarrassed.

"Do you want to go home we can get our food to go babe." Niall said.

"I don't want to blow them off though." You said.

"Here's your food." The waiter came back with your food.

"Can we actually get the salad and chicken to go, please?" Niall asked pointing to our food.

"Of course." The waiter said taking our food back.

"Why can't you guys stay to eat with us?" Louis asked looking up from his spaghetti.

"Oh, I um don't feel good. The baby is moving a lot today and I need to rest and just relax, i'm sorry guys." You lied feeling bad, sliding out of the booth following Niall.

"It's not a problem we all understand and we only want you healthy and the baby." Liam smiled

"Thanks guys." You smiled and they all got up to say they're goodbyes to you and Niall.

"Bye!" Niall waved before you guys left.

"How are ya feeling?" Niall asked you as he started driving back to your house.

"Eh." You answered.

"I love you. When we get home we can cuddle and watch a movie." Niall said as he came to a stop light.

"That sounds nice." You sighed.

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