#81 Morning Sickness

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You woke up feeling really hot and sweaty. You pulled the sheets down you and Niall groaned in his sleep and pulled them back up.

"Niall...I don't feel good." You kicked the sheets off you and sat up in bed.
You kept feeling a wave of heat but like in your body not actually blowing over you. You pulled the sheets down again and Niall huffed and woke up.

"Could you maybe stop doing that." Niall snapped.

"Sorry." You mumbled at Niall feeling hurt.

Niall sighed and sat up.

"I'm sorry I'm just really tired." Niall said feeling guilty.

"I don't feel good at all. I'm so hot and sweaty and my muscles hurt a lot." You said sliding back down into the bed.

"Come here." Niall held out his arms for you. You lied in between his legs as he stroked your hair.

"You have such amazing hair." Niall smiled.

"So do you and thank you." You laughed.

"How are you feeling now?" Niall asked you.

"I feel really hot." You whined feeling really thirsty and all of a sudden.

"Want me to take off the blanket?" Niall asked while kissing your temple.

"Yeah and can you please get me a glass of water." You asked nicely.

"Of course." Niall got up and pulled the sheets down then left to get your water.

As you waited for Niall you turned the tv on for some reason teen nick was in and the episode of iCarly when the boys were on was playing.

"What are you watching?" Niall asked as he handed you your water.

"You." You replied smirking.

"Oh I remember when I was on iCarly." Niall smiled getting back in bed.

"Here I also got you medicine." Niall handed you the pill and you swallowed it with water.

"Thanks Ni." You said tangling your legs together under the blanket that was resting over your feet by the bottom of the bed.

"I would do anything for you, princess." Niall said moving closer to you so he could wrap you in his arms.

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