#25 Sunday Nights can be Stressful

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You always hated Sunday nights but only when something went wrong like tonight.

You we're in kitchen cleaning up after dinner when you heard screams coming from the other room.

"Nick! Stop messing around with the remote you keep changing the f*cking channel." Your eyes grew wide and walked into the room to find your 14 year old son Nick on top of your 18 year old daughter, Ella hitting her and Ella fighting back at him.

"Get off of her now Nick! Ella go to your room no tv for the rest of the night. Nick go to my bedroom I'll talk to later after I'm done with your sister."
You said sternly. Nick got up and rolled his eyes at his sister and you shot him a glare.

"Start talking now or els no phone for a week." You sat down on the couch with Ella.

"I didn't do anything wrong, I was watching the Kardashian's with Nick and he didn't mind. Then he started whining like a little baby because he wanted to watch one of his shows but I said after because my show ended in 10 minutes and he could wait. Then he started playing with the bottoms on the remote to piss me off and changed channel." You raised your eyebrows at her knowing that there was more to the story. She got your message and sighed and continued on with the story.

"Then I hit him." Ella mumbled under her breath.

"Mhm and..." You said.

"He jumped on top of me and pushed me to the ground and started hitting me back and I was hitting him back." You nodded your head.

"Where's your phone? You'll loose it for the night and I'll give it back to your tomorrow morning when you wake up for school you'll also have to drive your brothers I school tomorrow for using bad language. You guys are so much older now I don't expect you too to be acting like little brats and hitting each other!"

"Mom, that's not fair! I promised Avery that I would pick her up tomorrow so we could drive together." You shrugged your shoulders.

"Work something out. Either way your dropping your brother off at school." You said sternly.

You too walked up to the second floor of the huge house and said goodnight then she walked left to go to her bedroom. You then walked into your bedroom to find Nick sitting on your bed watching tv and Niall was in the bathroom showering you could tell because you heard the water running.

"Alright, what's your side of the story." You sighed. You really didn't want to go through this with him your were really tired.

"Well, I wanted to watch my show but Ella was hogging the tv and she hit me so I jumped on her." You raised your eyebrow in suspicion.

"Really...because Ella said that you started playing with the remote to annoy her, changed the channel, she hit you then you jumped on top of her and started hitting you. So here's what I'm going to do, I'll take away your phone just for tonight and you'll get it back tomorrow morning. Just like El, I took her phone away too and Nick you guys are so much older ow please don't act like this anymore. Now get to bed, oh by the way Ella is driving you to school tomorrow." You smiled kissed his head and he walked out the room.

You got up an ran your fingers through your hair and walked into the bathroom to brush your teeth.

"Hey, princess." Niall had his towel wrapped around his waist and you smiled at him.

"You haven't called me princess in like years." He shrugged.

"I missed calling you what you are. " You laughed and kissed him sweetly and Niall moaned into the kiss.

"Alright don't get too excited. I just had to deal with the kids." You laughed.

"I know. I heard you I yell at them I would have went down stairs to help you but the football match was on and I went to take a shower after." You rolled your eyes playfully at your silly husband.

"I need to brush my teeth." You turned around to the double sinks and went to your sink and started brushing your teeth.
After getting ready for bed you walked back into your bedroom to find Niall lying in bed.

"Goodnight Ni." You whispered and you guys spooned.

"Goodnight Y/N. Your such an amazing mum, you teach our kids so much and I wish I could always be there but you know-" You cut Niall off.

"Babe I know your job can be very tricky sometimes and the schedule can be a pain but we always find our way through the dark." You winked at him and he chuckled.

"Hey only I can quote my songs." You guys laughed and fell a sleep in each other's arms.

Holy crap I'm such a terrible person! I never thanked you guys for over 100 reads!! Thank so much love you guys so much!

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