#2 Jealousy

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Niall's POV

The lads were over tonight for dinner and a movie after. We were having such a great time until a hint of jealousy hit me.

"Hey, Y/N you look nice, tonight." Harry commented on Y/N.

"Thanks Harry." She blushed. It's not that she blushed it's the way she like tried to hide her smile from him, I didn't like it.

"Guys lets watch a movie." Louis plopped onto the couch put on a movie we all liked. Harry and Y/N sat next to each other, usually she sits and cuddles with to me. I huffed at them and sat down in the chair alone.

"Everything alright mate?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah, you?" I snapped. He just looked at me confused and squished back into the couch.

"Niall are you okay you seem tense." Y/N asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine just hungry." I got up and made everyone a bowl of popcorn except Harry. I walked back into the living room and gave everyone there bowl.

"Um Niall you forgot me." Harry commented and I shrugged.

"Sorry we ran out of popcorn."

"Here you can share with me, Harry." Y/N smiled.

"Thanks." He replied.

Through out the movie Harry and Y/N were whispering and giggling and it made me sick. I finally decided that I'll say something.

"Y/N can I speak with you for a sec in the kitchen?" She nodded and got up and followed me into the the kitchen.

"Do you like Harry more than me?"

"No. Why would you ask something like that? It's just me and Harry are close that's all, he like a brother to me Niall. Please don't get jealous." She frowned.

"I'm not jealous it's just you usually sit next to me when we watch movies and we cuddle and I-I," Y/N raised her eyebrow and stopped me.

"Niall if you wanted me to sit next to you, you should had said something I would have sat with you. You know I love you, I wouldn't do that to you." I sighed in relief and kissed Y/N.

"Oh, and did we really run out of popcorn?" I laughed a little.

"No we didn't." Y/N glared at me and shook her head.

"Can you sit with me now for the rest of the movie?" I asked she shook her head and kissed my lips.

We sat in the big chair in the corner and she sat on my lap in a ball curled up to my chest with a blanket over us.
I could help but to stare at her the whole time she looked so peaceful and

"Niall," she whispered.


"I love you so much."

"I love you too princess."

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now