#31 Adding one More Member

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"We should have anther baby. Nick is only 3 and he needs someone to play with." Niall kissed your shoulder at you two lied in bed wrapped up in the cheats.

"I guess that would be nice. I want a girl though, we nee a girl in this just can't be me the only girl." Niall nodded.

"That's would actually be nice to be honest. Wanna start trying now?" Niall asked and you laughed at him and he hovered over you kissing up your neck.

You moaned and Niall took of his only article of clothing he was wearing: boxers.

"I'm so hard for you right now." Niall nibbled on your ear and you scratched his back.

"Wait. What time is it?" You asked.

"Really? You had to stop this to ask for the freaking time." You laughed at Niall and waited for an answer.


"Shit it's so early." Niall continued to kiss and soon went down to your neck then stomach then where you needed him most.
1 month later

You got pregnant within a week faster than you expected and you were really happy. Nick was do excited to have a sibling.

You found out that you were having a girl and decided you wanted to name it Ella Rose Horan.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now