#177 "I'm leaving Sarah for you."

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Request From rachel2244

"I'm going to go to the store, I'm craving some ice cream and we don't have any." I told Niall slipping my boots on.

"Yeah let me just get my phone." Niall went into to the kitchen and took his phone off charge.

I walked out to the car and got in the drivers seat turning the car on.

I saw Niall walk out of the door and smiled at me when he saw me in the car.

"I wanted to drive." He pouted opening the car door.

"Well," I said pulling out once he had his seat belt on. "So did I." I smirked.

"So what do we need again, love?" Niall asked looking ahead.

"I'm just feeling some ice cream and maybe some other junk food." I laughed changing my hand position on the wheel.

"I'm driving on the way back though." Niall huffed.

"Whoever gets in the seat first will drive back." I smiled turning into the parking lot of Tesco.

Niall's POV

"Niall don't you think that's a bit much though?" Sarah laughed at me as I was struggling to carry 8 tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice cream back to our cart.

"It will last." I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay and that's if you don't eat it all tonight, which I highly doubt but whatever." Sarah laugh.

I laughed sarcastically and dropped them in the cart.

"Toppings?" Sarah asked turning her back to me to pushing the cart to the next isle.


I walked behind her and snuck my cold hands up the back of her sweater causing her to scream and squirm.

I laughed and she glared at me I waved my hands toward her again and wrapped my arms around her so our noses were touching.

I smiled and wiggled my nose against her and she giggled kissing my lips.

I took the opportunity and put my hands up her back again.

"Niall!" She jumped and I held her closer. I kissed her nose and she rolled her eyes.

"Stop it." I could see she was trying not to smile when she turned back around to get whip cream.

She put one bottle of whip cream in the cart and then I added two more.

"Are we trying to get fat or?" Sarah giggled.

"Trying to get fat." I smiled puffing out my chest.

She sighed and pushed the cart more down the isle when I stopped her.

"Fuck, is that....Holly?" I gasped grabbing Sarah's hand and pulling her back.

"Oh my god it is. Niall she hates me we have to leave." Sarah whined.

"Babe, were not going to leave just because of my ex and she wasn't even really my ex management set us up. I know it was while we were dating but I came to you first and you were okay with it." I said glancing over to see if she saw us, which she hasn't luckily.

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