#140 Messy Messy

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Ella: 2
Nick: 4

You and Niall lied in bed together watching House of Cards when suddenly your door swung open and Ella ran in your room covered in all mixed color paint and Nick following after looking the same.

You and Niall both gasped and immediately got out of bed.

"What happened?" Niall said running his hands through his messy, tangled hair.

Nick shrugged and you touched his face and the paint was still wet.

"Oh my god." You sighed, looking though Ella's hair seeing it was all over her.

Niall took them in the bathroom and put them both in the bath.

You paused the TV and went into the bathroom and grinned when you saw their cute faces.

You started laughing as Niall washed some of the paint off of Ella's arm.

"Where did you even get the paint from." You asked sitting down on the title floor by the tub.

"The closet." Nick answered.

"Your not allowed to be in there. Remember, we talked about that, love." You said helping Niall out.

"What do you think your punishment, should be?" Niall chucked now washing Ella's hair.

"I don't know dada." Nick responded playing with the toys in the tub.

The water wasn't even clear it was like black now from all the color so you had to take them out of the bath.

"Put them in the shower, I'll rinse out the tub, I hope it doesn't stain the title." You groaned looking over at them.

Niall put them in the shower and their voices echoed as they sang Twinkle Little Star.

Niall laughed at them and gave them more soap on their bodies.

"What do you guys have to say to mummy and I?" Niall asked looking at them seriously.

"We sorry." Nick pouted.

You bit your lip to try from smiling at them. You didn't want to smile and laugh and think it was okay what they did because it wasn't, but they looked so innocent.

Niall looked at you smiling a little.

"They're too cute." Niall whispered in your ear.

You hugged him from the side and rested your head in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around your side and kissed your temple.

"I know they are." You smiled.

"Okay! We all done mummy!" Nick said pushing the glass door open and stepping out the shower.

Niall handed them their towels and wrapped Ella in the towel picking her up and carrying her back into the bedroom and Nick walked next to Niall.

You turned the water off and cleaned up their wet foot prints that were on the floor.

After cleaning up a little you walked back into the bedroom and Nick was in the bed watching SpongeBob while Ella had her thumb in her mouth as she slept next to him.

Niall was in bed too watching TV with Nick and you didn't think they notice you in the room since their eyes were glued to the TV.

You giggled and Niall must of heard you because his attention turned towards you. He smiled once he saw you and held his arms out for you.

"Come here baby." He grinned. You smiled back at him and sat in between his legs and he would every so often leave a kiss on your forehead.

"I'm getting tired." Nick yawned leaning back on Niall.

"That's okay, we can all sleep in here tonight." You smiled rubbing his head.

He nodded before climbing under the sheets and drifted off to sleep.

You pushed Nick and Ella over a little so you could lye in the bed properly.

Niall turned the TV off so the room was pitch black.

Nick and Ella were cuddling and Nick's head was against your chest while your head was against Niall's chest. Niall's arms were across your hips keeping you close to him.

"I love my family."

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