When The Bullets Fired... Chapter: 46

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"Hate is easy, love takes courage." -Unknown.


Double update! Now Happy?

Enjoy Reading.


Rezay's POV

My phone beeped in my pocket when I was opening gifts. I took it out from my pocket and saw two text messages from-- Hammad? I quickly scanned my surroundings for him but I couldn't see him. I opened first text and read,

"Fatima is in danger, you have to save her, or else he'll kill her. She is in her cousin's house right now. Faiz's house, come fast Rezay." WTH? 

I panicked and looked around once again, now for Fatima, but she was nowhere to be seen. I quickly opened second text and read,

"I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry I am helpless, but I really don't want her to die." 

What the hell is he talking about? How does he know ? Why she went there? Oh God! How can I miss her? I had to be with her. Where is she ? If anything happens to her, I'll not forgive myself. I quickly scanned the whole beach side, I couldn't find her but I found her gift for me. She left it here. I quickly opened it and found a beautiful and shiny wrist watch in it. When I took it out from box I found a letter too. I quickly pulled it out, opened it and started reading.

"Happy Birthday Rezay! :)

You'd be wondering why I gave you so simple thing as a gift, right? But it means a lot to me, time means a lot to me. Every time, every second, every minute, every moment that I spent with you is so precious for me, I can never forget the time you gave me, the time you spent with me.

Have you heard this saying ? 'When you give someone your time, it means you gave that person some portion of your life that will never come back.' But I wanna give you your time back, your time, those moments, that you gave me Rezay. Those are precious to me, I can never forget them. I just wanna say through this, that if anything happens to me, just remember, don't stop your time for anyone. Just remember something that I gave you... time, So Move on with it! Make new memories but it doesn't mean forget old times, no! Remember them and learn to live with them, start new time and live your life to the fullest. 

Look at this watch Rezay! It's moving. Time doesn't stop for anyone. Just make sure, you're walking along with it but without leaving yourself behind and that's the way to live a LIFE.

Sorry it got so long, oh last important thing.........

I love you Rezay and I'll always love you! Now smile and stay safe, will you ? for me? please....:)"


I don't know when tears started forming into my eyes, I quickly closed that letter, put it in my pocket, wore that wrist watch in my hand and said silently while looking at it.

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