She Started Loving Him! Chapter: 07

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"Love is the voice under all silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear; the strength so strong mere force is feebleness: the truth more first than sun, more last than star..." -E E Cummings.


Tani's POV

I was surprised by his call or you can say sudden call. Geez! I was not prepared for his call, but if I won't pick up, I know he'd be pissed. So I decided to pick up his call. 

"H-Hello?" I asked stuttering.

"Hello?" His voice came to my ears as ringing bells and I was like dying at that moment with its smoothness. His voice was so so sexy, my heart was beating so fast that I thought it'd jump out of my chest. I placed my hand at my heart, I could even feel it's beating inside of my chest. I opened my mouth to take deep breaths to calm myself. How can someone's voice effect this much? I started thinking when he spoke up.

"Assalam-o-Alaikum, how are you Fatima?" He sounded so confident and he said my name in a sing-song manner which amazingly suited his voice. 

But I was amazed, I mean-- I was shaking literally when I heard his voice first time and on the other hand he was so--- confident. Where my all confidence gone? I guess it'd surely have jumped in gutter for suicide. Huh.. After thinking all this, I started like this, 

"W-w-walaikum Assalam, I--I'm fine, you?" Now, I was again stuttering, what's my problem?

"I'm good, you okay?" He asked with concern.

"Y-yeah! Why, I mean---why did you ask?" I quickly added. Damn my tongue!

"Nothing, just wanted to know do you always speak like this?" He asked and I was trying to understand what he just said?

"Like what?" I got confused.

"Like you have this problem in speaking? What will google name it--um-- yeah, like you are stuttering, so do you have---yes! Speech disorder?" My mouth hung open at this, stuttering? Speech Disorder? Google? Seriously?

"I don't have any speech disorder, I am completely fine, I was just a little shocked by your sudden calling thing, that's all." I quickly spoke up the whole line without stopping and stuttering. I was angry!

I heard him chuckling and I frowned, "You are too cute Fatima, you just unconsciously said those things that I wanted to hear, my little-feisty!" My? Little? Not again! But wait, what I just said?

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