Chapter: 22

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"For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first." ―Suzanne Collins. 


Tani's POV

I entered in my home by unlocking the main gate, it was a tiring day, it was my last paper today and I was so happy but so exhausted too. I decided to just sleep all day, nothing else. When I was about to went towards the stair case lead to my room, I heard someone calling my name, mommy?

"Tani, come to my room sweety." 

'Aargh, why mom is calling me? I am tired today, I just wanna sleep.' Beside this, I said.

"Okay, mom, coming.", I quickly said and headed towards her room.

"Yes mom---" I immediately cut off when I saw my mom and pop packing their suitcases.

"Wh---what's all that? Are you two going somewhere?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yeah Tani, listen, come here, sit, we have something important to tell you." Mommy motioned me to sit on the bed, I threw my bag and scarf, while nodding I settled on the corner of the bed and gestured her to start what she wanted to tell me.

"Alright---" Mom sighed and then started, "---Actually, its an emergency, long story short, we have to leave for Pakistan now!" My eyes got wide while listening, many questions came to my mind, she surely read my expression cause then she started,

"I-I just can't tell you the reason right now. Just, you have to understand it's important, something bad happened or is going to happen, I don't know exactly but we have to be there, I don't know how long it would take, so I wanted to ask you if you two be a good girls and take care of house and yourselves so that we can easily leave without having the second thoughts of your security." This is too much, mommy is not telling me the reason and they are just leaving like that and what does she mean by you two ? who else is going with mom and pop.

"You two?" I raised my eyebrows skeptically.

"Ohh yeah, ghannu and you, hamza is going with us, you know your bro, how he is, he is not allowing us to go alone when the lots of already happened there." I again got confused why can't she just tell me, what happened there, I am getting worried.

"Mommy I am coming too, what happened there ? why can't you just tell me?" I took a glance at my pop's face, he was looking in between mommy and I but he looked lost and hurt, he seemed hurt, I didn't get it, why he is hurt? Is something that bad happened there? mommy grabbed my hand and while shooing me out of the room, she closed the door behind us and started,

"Tani, why do you ask so many questions? why can't you just listen to me what I am saying?" I frowned then she sighed.

"Look baby, your pop is already hurt, we can't take you with us, you know you two can't take off for so long to your university and school, but Hamza has taken urgent leave from his work and he is going with us. Just this information should be enough for you that someone near to your father in Paistan has betrayed him and now you should understand why he is so hurt. Don't ask more questions." I sighed, I can't ask more questions, but betrayed, who betrayed pop? who could have done that? near to my father? who was near to pop and is in Pakistan? whatever.

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