Chapter: 34

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"Love gives you the strength to transform Pain into Power." -Unknown.


^^ Pic of the villain ;) lol enjoy reading.


Tani's POV

"How was your interview?" Faiz asked while leading me towards the car which would probably be in the parking. 

This company has a huge parking-lot which was some metres away from where the main building was and cars were not allowed to be parked infront of the building. Probably that's why Faiz would have parked there. There was a huge road between the building and parking-lot on which we were walking. Faiz was walking really fast and I was dragging myself to cope up with him.

"It was good, I'm selected, one month internship and then job." I replied beaming excitedly.

"Really? Wow! Tani. I'm so happy." He said stopping, turning around and squeezing my hands,

"Yeah, I'm happy too." I said smiling.

Now, I just wanna keep myself busy and lost in work so that I don't have to think about anything or anyone, anymore. But I have to tell these all things to someone else too, he'd be waiting for me, I have to meet him. I have to ask doctors about his health too when will he wake up or when will he gonna be fine. I just curse myself for his condition, yes I was and I'm responsible for his that condition and I can't forgive myself, ever. I have to ask Faiz----

"Ouch--- Faiz---" It came out of my mouth when he pulled me towards him, so fast that I almost bumped in his chest and he stumbled backwards.

"Tani--- shit!" He said while balancing himself but he failed.

Before I could think or say anything more we both tripped and were lying on the bonnet or front of any car, with me on top of him. Then I realized, I'd probably be dead, if he wouldn't have saved me. The car was about to hit me, but he pulled me before it could. I didn't even notice that I stopped in the middle of the road while thinking.

"Are you hurt?" 

He asked, but before I could answer he quickly turned towards from where the screeching sound of tyres came and the car stopped some metres away from us. We both quickly balanced ourselves and stood on our feet, I think Faiz was thinking same that I was thinking we should check on him too if he was alright or not. 

Before I could move, or do anything, I saw Faiz's face turned bright red and he quickly ran towards the car right when some man, probably be in his mid-thirties, came out of his car and was about to say something when he punched him right on his face and the dark red blood spurted out of his nose. 

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