Chapter: 20

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  When the world says, "Give up,"

Hope whispers, "Try it one more time." 



Tani's POV


Now why he texted me some shit like that, who is that fucking creepy guy? I bet he is the monster or maybe vampire or werewolf, who knows? His voice shows me that he is some creepy bastard who is trying to make me fool but he is too stupid he don't even know that he can't scare me like this. I am a big girl and too big to handle these issues by myself. I quickly typed,

"Hell with your threats. Try some more and you will see." I sent it.

After texting him, I let out an evil laugh and then headed to the dining room.

When I didn't receive any notification saying 'delivery failed' then I realized it was not a blocked number.

While sitting on the chair, a fresh and yummy smell of food came to my nostrils.

"Mommy what did you cook?" I asked mommy while jumping on my chair like a little kid.

"Broast dear with salad, ketchup and pickles." Mommy said from the kitchen.

"Wow! Mommy, I love you!" I said and started jumping up and down, up and down repeatedly.

Mommy laughed while entering into the dining room and at the sight in front of her.

"Sweety, you are still my baby daughter." I smiled genuinely and saw Ghannu who was now giving different expressions but all weird, I smirked and stuck my tongue out at her. Then she was about to say something when Pop came in the room and we all sat silently. I saw that Hamza was not on the table nor he came, then I asked mom.

"Mommy where is Hamza? Don't he have to eat?" I asked while placing a leg piece of chicken in my plate.

"No sweety, he was saying that he is too tired and will eat tomorrow." Mommy said while giving my pop a jar filled with red pickle.

I frowned knowing that mommy cooked broast and he didn't even come for it. It is his favourite dish, right? Or it was. Don't know, I have to talk to him. I left my food there and ran to his room. I saw him lying on bed with his chest. He was not sleeping, I saw, he felt that someone came into his room. His shoulders budge a little.

"What's wrong bro?" I asked him while shaking his shoulder.

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