I saw Davenport walk in, "Perry, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure thing, boss man."Perry replied, running over to him.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I thought about what you said about being over worked and..... I may have been a little harsh." Davenport explained, and I messed with my hair, I could feel Chase looking at me. I will do anything just to make he stay.

"So you're giving me a raise?!" Perry asked, getting excited.

"I said I'm sorry, not crazy." He told her, placing and on her shoulder. She frowned and Davenport backed up slowly.

"What I'm gonna give you is better than a raise. So hello to your new partner!" Davenport announced, gesturing to the doors to the training room. Everyone stood up, and I just stayed back.

A guy with a bread and had long, dark brown, greasy looking hair walked out, with a smile on his face. Really?

"Him?" Perry asked, in disbelief.

"Does this guy even know anything about bionics?" Chase asked Davenport, motioning to the guy.

"Actually, he knows a lot more about bionics then you might think. Isn't that right?" He asked the guy and you will never guess who was in the body.

"That's right!" The guys exclaimed, and had a high voice. It's Eddy!

Hearing his voice made us scream, in fear.  I walked over to Bree and stood next to her.

"Eddy?" Leo asked in a low voice. Eddy nodded, still smiling.

"That's the little guy in the wall?" I asked, moving forward a bit, and pointing at Eddy. Perry walked over to him.

"In the flesh. Check me out!" Eddy started to move around, dancing to the other side of Chase.

"Why would you give a body to the most viol computer program ever created?" Chase asked Davenport, looking at him.

"Don't worry human Eddy isn't mean." Davenport reassured us, walking next to Eddy. "When I put his artificial intelligence into the synthetic body, I altered his personality. I made him nice." He smiled at Eddy.

"I begged him not too, but now I'm glad." Eddy told us, smiling at the end.

"One little fix, and you except us to believe that Eddy is nice?" Chase questioned, glancing back at us, "I'm not buying it."

"No! It's true! Early today I caught Leo struggling to do a push-up. The old me would've mocked him, but the new me is just sad." Eddy informed us, crying at the end, saying poor Leo.

"Guess that's better?" Leo questioned confused and offended. I rolled my eyes, chuckling. It is kinda funny seeing Leo struggling to do a push-up, but I would never laugh at him.

"Long story short, I still want to kill you guys. With kindness." Eddy told us, and did a creepy smiling tilting his head slightly. This human Eddy is weird.

Bree walked over to Eddy. "I don't get, you could've designed any kind of body form. Why does he look like that?" She looked at Davenport for an answer.

"The beard hiss my gear. Wanna see?!" Eddy asked, and before we could respond, he lifted up his beard, to show us his gear. Why must his gear be in his beard? That's just weird.

"Yeah, besides I couldn't make anyone better looking than me. I mean I literally could not." Davenport chuckled,and motioned to his face. "This Is once in a life time stuff." Yeah, sure it is.

"That's my Donny." Eddy, grinned at Davenport. I rolled my eyes, and went to my room. All I could thinks about is Chase leaving. If he's leaving then we might have to break up. I don't want to break up with him.

Loving a Bionic Hero (Lab Rats Bionic Island)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora