"What!?" Leo

"That's insane!" Bree

"That's crazy!" Me

"Fine, they're forty bucks." Perry changed her mind, and I clenched my fist. I so badly wanted to hurt her, but I can't.

Bree glanced back at us mad, and back at Perry.

"Now get out of here, I have work to do." Perry clapped her hands and looked the other way. I saw Perry's army, rolling in sand in wheel barrels

"What is that?" Leo asked, looking at the sand.

"Sand. To fill the pool with. Vice dictator, Mr.Whiskers, is helicoptering tomorrow and he demanded a much bigger litter box." Perry explained, and I rolled my eyes once again. This is insane, what cat needs that much litter, apparently Mr.Whiskers!

"Eww!" Leo and I said disgusted.

"That's disgusting." Bree added, disgusted, as we all looked over at the pool.

"Don't worry, you can still swim in it!" Perry laughed along with one of her soldiers, who was cleaning her toes. Gross. "It's not that funny! Get back to work!" Perry raised her foot and pointed to it, he stopped laughing and continued to work on her foot.

Bree, Leo, and I walked out slowly. We have to do something about this, I'm not gonna live this way.


We walked back into the room, filled with Perry. Perry noticed us.

"Hey, Perry Land, peasants!" She greeted and walked over to us. "Check out this thing I found the weapons room." She paused up her sleeve, to reveal a robot arm. "It shoots lasers!"

"What were you doing in our weapons room?!" I asked her, sternly.

"Leveling the playing field, you never know when you machine people are gonna turn on us fleshes." Perry backed up, getting in a fighting stance. We just gave her a look.

I then heard goat noises nd we all turned and saw some students, walking in looking lost and confused. What is going on!

"Ahh! What's going on!" Perry exclaimed, frightened.

"I don't know." Leo responded.

Perry walked forward. "It's a rebellion, they're trying to take me out. So they can rule Perry Land, the only way that's gonna happen is over their dear leader body." Perry turned to us, and I placed hand on my hip.

"Well, you had a good run." I told her.

"Back off! I got a battle to fight!" Perry exclaimed, and started to get the laser hand ready. Bree ran up to her.

"No! No! No! No! You can not attack them, they're innocent!" Bree stopped her.

"I'm not gonna attack them. I'm just gonna give them a gentle warning, a gentle fifteen thousand voltage warning." Perry shrugged and walked back to where she was before, so she can attack. We ran over and moved the students out of the way. Perry started to shoot her lasers, as we pushed the students down.

Leo just hid, idiot. Bree and I actually did something, and protected them.

Leo soon ran away and I followed him.

We ran into the the hydro loop entrance and found Adam, Chase and Douglas. Also a few students who are making goats noises.

"Ahh! Sound the alarm! Perry's on a rampage!" Leo exclaimed to the three, running up to them.

"I don't want to hurt you two. I just want to shoot you both with a laser." Perry informed us, and shot the laser at us, I took Leo and moved him away. Unfortunately, the laser hit something important.

Loving a Bionic Hero (Lab Rats Bionic Island)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum