But Luke just couldn't stay here in his room with his parents in the same building without going insane, so he had decided to finally go back to school. Calum wouldn't be there and he doubted that Michael would be either. Luke knew for a fact Ashton wouldn't be there, but he hoped with all his power that maybe today was the day Ashton had decided to show up.

Luke tightened the hold of his phone and turned to look down at his bed, eying the part of the mattress where Ashton's gun was hidden. He hadn't touched it since it was put there, even though he had thought about it a thousand times last night.

He was unbelievably scared of the deadly weapon that burned the mattress like if it would caught on fire at any second, but he rather had it hidden there than to have to touch it again. Especially when it was loaded and ready to be fired at any moment.

He turned away and from his bed and with shaky hands collected different books to put in his bag, ignoring the fact that he packed several books who had nothing to do with school. With a heavy sigh, Luke gave his bed one last hesitant glance before grabbing his bag and walked out of his room.

He ignored his mother's eyes on him and put on his jacket and shoes before exiting the house without any words being said. The sky was grey and it was cold outside, making Luke wrap his arms around himself and sniff away those previously forming tears.

He tore his eyes away from the sky when the phone in his pocket buzzed, indicating he had gotten a text. He was quick to pull it out and look at the screen, but he was immediately disappointed when seeing his father's contact name light up.

I'm picking you up after school so we can talk everything through. Make smart decisions today Luke, the text said, and Luke was nearly fuming now.

That's how it's gonna be from now? His parents treating him like a toddler while watching his every move like he'd make a mistake each time. Like if Luke was someone not worth to trust.

He read through the message three times before biting his lip harshly. He opened up a new text message and sent one to Ashton, begging him to meet up with him as soon as he saw the message. After that, he dropped his phone into the pot on the porch, knowing fully well that his parents probably had gone so mad that they'd track him down through a GPS on his phone.

With that, Luke walked out to the cloudy weather and made his way to school all by himself. His mind was a mess, his heart was broken, and he felt so so lonely.


Luke struggled with the books he held in his hands as he tried to close his locker. School was full as usual, rowdy teenagers with no worry in the world were running around Luke, making the blonde feel even worse than before.

They were lucky, Luke thought, they were so lucky to not have to go through everything Ashton and I have to go through.

Obviously all those teenagers had problems of their own, but at this point Luke didn't believe that anything could top what was going on around him and the people close to him.

He was dragged away from his depressing thoughts when one of the books in his hands fell to the floor, soon making all of them follow with a loud bang. Luke closed his eyes and bit his lip harshly to stop himself from breaking down in tears in the middle of the hallway. But truthfully; that was all Luke wanted to do right now.

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