12. I Knew This Was A Bad Idea

Start from the beginning

Gally walked up, pulling me into a hug. After a few seconds he let go, and stared down at me with a grave expression etched in his features.

"Be careful, okay?"

"Yeah. I will, promise."

I waved and followed after Alby and Minho as they sprinted inside. We turned corner after corner and I quickly became exhausted. My lungs burned, begging for oxygen as sweat began to bead on my forehead. Minho glanced back and chuckled.

"Not as easy as you thought, huh, shank?"

I struggled for breath as I did my best to retort.

"Shut...your hole....Slinthead!"

A few hours later, we finally reached our destination. We slowed to a jog as we rounded a corner, spotting the dead Griever a few yards away. I was thankful for the change of pace, since my legs were basically jello now. I leaned against the maze wall for support as I tried to catch my breath, simultaneously wiping the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand. Minho walked over, not even looking the least bit tired.

"Come on, Clara. If you can't handle this, you might as well find a nice spot to lay down and die now because you'll never make it back to the shuck Glade."

"Minho, I really will hit you if you don't shut up."

He laughed loudly and shook his head, walking back to talk to Alby. I still couldn't shake the bad feeling I had and it was even worse now that we were so close to that thing. I knew I couldn't just sit there all day, though. I finally caught my breath and pushed myself off the wall, slowly making my way to the boys. Once I reached them, we cautiously made our way to the Griever. I held my breath and waited behind as Alby slowly approached it. He swiftly kicked it and my fists clenched tightly as I waited, my heart pounding erratically. But, nothing happened.

We all shared a look and I could tell the boys were just as relieved as I was. We examined it from a distance and my eyes locked onto one of it's legs. It was bent at an odd angle, as if it was broken. I pointed at it and the boys looked.

"What's wrong with it's leg?"

Alby cautiously approached it and leaned down, examining the leg thoroughly. He spoke as he reached out to touch it.

"Looks broken. How do you think that happened?"

All of a sudden, it sprang to life and my heart stopped as I watched it stick it's needle right into Alby's chest. Oh no! This isn't happening! Alby yelped and hit the ground as it pulled it's needle out of his skin. Minho dove to the side just as the Griever came running past him, heading straight for me. My breath caught in my throat as I tried to spin my body around to escape. My ankle twisted violently and I screeched in pain, hitting the ground. My arms automatically flew over my head as I curled into a tight ball, waiting for the Griever to kill me. This is it, I'm dead. I should've just listened to Newt!

But, the horribly painful death I imagined never came. Eventually, I opened my eyes, scanning the area with wide eyes. Minho had fallen on the ground, his chest heaving with fright. I quickly tried to pull myself off the ground. I got halfway up when I fell back down, wincing as a sharp pain shot through my ankle. Minho finally composed himself and made his way over to me, kneeling and gently taking my ankle in his hands. I bit my lip to keep from screaming at him as he turned it this way and that, examining it thoroughly.

"So, is it broken or something?"

I almost face palmed.

"If you don't know, why'd you even check it, Minho?"

Into the Fire(Maze Runner)- Newt//GallyWhere stories live. Discover now