Chapter 11: I Write Sins, Not Tradgeties

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Chapter 11


"OMG this is the best song ever!" shouted Gianna as she and her boyfriend, Seth, grinded on each other.

"Ugh, NO! It sucks," whined Raquel as she moved people off the couch so she could get a seat.

We heard an eruption of laughter and turned to find a very drunk pair of Jake and Ashleigh.

"Happy Birthday, Farrah!" shouted Jake with a wave my way.

"Thanks Jakey! Having fun?" I yelled back with a smirk.

"Hell yeah!"

I turned back around to see that Seth was leading Gianna into the kitchen, most likely for more drinks.

The party was in full swing now and basically everybody was trashed. I'd never seen so much alcohol being consumed, and I've been to college frat parties! There were endless mounds of empty bottles and cups all laying around the house. I'm so glad they decided to throw this party at Will's place instead of mine! It's not that I won't help him out in the morning with the cleaning, but I seriously hate when parties are thrown at mine.

"What's happening beauty?" asked some guy I've never met before who had appeared out of nowhere and gotten way to close to me. I could smell whiskey in his breath.

"Nothing beast," I shot back disgusted.

"Oh come on, you really don't want a piece of this?" he asked with a cocky grin, drunkenly waving his hands up and down motioning to his not-so-hot body.

"I can honestly say, NO!" I hissed, and quickly moved away from him and his drunken band of uglies.

"Hey Sugar," I was met half way to the kitchen by Jack.

"Hi Jack."

"So we're not having a good time, now are we?" he asked.

"No, it's not that. I'm having a great time! There's just lot's of pervs here, that's all," I said, taking the fruity drink he had left to get me some time ago.

"Really? Where? Point them out to me so I can teach them a lesson!" he suddenly sobered up.

"No, no. It's really okay. Now how about you, aren't you getting hit on? You sexy little guitar boy," I said, followed by a wink.

"Oh yeah!" he said sarcastically.

"Oh quit it with the enthusiasm," I said with the same tone of voice he had.

"But seriously, no. Everyone here knows that I'm your's so they don't even try," he said with a reassuring smile.

"Okay. And don't worry, I know that you'd never cheat," I said.

"Damn straight."

"Yeah, how about we stop trying to be fly and dance?" We both laughed and went out to the floor to dance to some club remix.

After dancing for about an hour, Jack said he needed to go and find the band. I agree'd and went to go find Hadley or someone to pass the time with.

I needed to go pee really quick so I mad a beeline for Will's room. I only use the host's personal bathrooms because I'm cool like that, and also partly because I know they're cleaner... most of the time.

After using the bathroom and fixing my hair and makeup I opened the door and avoided William's bed that some freshman were making out on. I also held my breath while working my way to the exit because they were really weird emo kids (not that I have anything against emo's, but these one's I personally disliked) so I didn't have to inhale their weird smell.

I stood in the hallway for a little longer to check my iPhone. I had a few messages from the girls asking where I was but I didn't feel like replying because I'd probably just see them in a few seconds. I put my phone back into my Coach messenger and looked up to be greeted by a pair of eyes.

"Dan!" I said startled.

"Farrah!" he mimicked in his girly voice I used to crack up at, but now kind of despised.

"Um, hey. Where's Madylin?" I asked trying to get out of this hallway.

"I don't know," he said.

"Well why don't you go and find her? I'm kind of busy now, I can't really talk. I've got to get back to my boyfriend, you know Jack Samson?" I said and turned to walk down the stairs.

I was stopped by his massive arm blocking my escape. It's not like I was trying to avoid him, I seriously did need to get back to Jack. But then again, I'd much rather talk to Dan at another time, one when he's not as wasted. I've known Dan for a long time and he's never been one to be shy when drunk. He always needs to finish what he's saying before you can stop the conversation.

"Farrah, what do you see in him?" begged Dan with a horrible smell of beer in his breath.

"We're in love, Dan. There doesn't have to be a reason why, we just are- you know? I'm sure you feel the same way about Mady," I tried to explain.

"Ha, no. She dumped me yesterday,'' he stated abruptly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Daniel. But, I'm sure you'll find someone soon," I meant for that to be the end of this discussion but, he felt the need to continue it.

"Yeah, I'm sure I will. But one thing I won't ever find is someone who I could love as much as I loved you," he said.

If I was in a different situation, I would have thought that comment utterly sweet and beautiful and surely jumped on him and taken him back in an instant. But I was not in that said situation. I have Jackson now, and I'm totally in love with everything about him.

"That's really sweet of you to say Dan, but I'm with Jack now. And like I said, we're in love," I said.

"But I love you Farrah!" he yelled.

"Dan! Settle down. You will find somebody, I promise," I said with a calming voice. The last thing I need was for someone to hear him shouting and come over here and get the wrong idea.

"But I don't want "somebody" I want you! Farrah Quinn Wild!" he yelled yet again.

"Dan, I've got to go."

I ducked down under his arm and basically sprinted for the stairs. He grabbed me by the waist and threw my against the wall.

"Farrah, no matter how much you try- I will get you to be mine. Even if it takes this," he hugged me really tight, "or this," he gave me a quick kiss on the neck, "or lot's of this," he gave me a long kiss and I tried to break free but he was too close to me.

Then I saw a bright flash. Dan got off, and I looked to find Bethany with her Canon and a big smile on her face.

"You better watch out Farrah, because there's this little ole' saying that goes, "revenge is sweet" and you know what's even sweeter? Jack Samson, and his soon-to-be broken heart," she shot me a dirty smirk and turned around and ran down the stairs.


Holler! Haha! Soooo sorry I've been MIA but school just started so that means I'll be on the computer a lot more and it will remind me of Getting Over You! I'll try to do weekly updates again.

Now, I know you all hate me for that cliffhanger-ish moment, but this story needed a problem. Can you believe Bethany! Thanks so much for reading and don't forget to vote-comment-fan!

Love ya!

becrazy 0_o

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