Fun in the Sun

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Where will we go for our honeymoon? What would our kids look like? Where would we throw our 50th anniversary?

All questions I've been wondering about ever since Jack and I were formally intruduced. I think I have a mental condition, I've never thought this much about a boy before. Even Dan, and he was hot! But definitely not as handsome as Jack. He was so cute with his long-ish blond hair and skater shoes. I've never really been into the whole bad boy look before, but I'm liking it!

The main question is, is he really a "bad boy"? I know they will just break your heart in the end, so it's a waste of time to even try... But I think it's a whole act. He really was a sweetie when we talked that night at the party. Two days ago, but it felt like such a long time! I can't wait to see him again tomorrow. The first Monday that I, Farrah Wild, was excited for. Woah!


"Hey Farrah, how are you?" Dan was, of course, the first person I see today.

"I'm fabulous as always!" I say, wishing he'd leave.

"That's so good to hear. I-" he was cut off by Madylin.

"Danny, can we go? I'm really bored just standing here babe," she said with ugly googley-eyes.

"Of course Hun, goodbye Farrah, nice talking," he waved as Mady dragged him down the halls.

Ugh. What is that boys problem? He already dumped me, why does he think I would want to be friends with him again? But I'm totally beyond that whole relationship. Where's Jack? I have 3rd period with him, and it's only the begining of school.

"Hey Jake! Ashleigh!" I called as the two love birds walked past me hand-in-hand.

"Oh, hey Far! We missed you the other night. Did you leave after the whole Chris incident?" questioned Ash.

I had made my exit after I saw Jack leave after we talked. I was hoping to bump into him on my way out, but his black Harley Davidson was already rushing down the street.

"Oh, yeah. That was enough drama for me. Ha-ha! Have you heard from Jack?" I casually asked Jake.

"He's good. I saw him parking this morning, but he's meeting with the counselor today during first," replied Jake.

"What for?"

"Him and Christian have to have a 'heart-to-heart' about Friday,"

"Oh, that is odd. I wonder how the school found out?"

"Mike told his dad," said Jake.

Mike Stein, Hadley's boyfriend of a year and a half, was from a long line of super-intendants for the school district.

"Oh, got it," I said just as the bell rang for class. We waved to each other and Ash and Jake kissed as we parted ways for homeroom.

First and second period felt like they lasted forever! I didn't even take good notes in Science, and I always do! Finally we were dismissed and Mrs. Feilds asked me to stay behind.

"Ms. Wild, I noticed that you weren't all ears today. Is something wrong?" she questioned.

"No, not at all! I'm just a bit distracted. Big math test today, that's all. I apologize for that, it won't happen again," I replied.

"Alright, you're sure no problems at home?" she asked with a worried look in her eyes.

"No, ma'am. I'm positive." Actually my at home life was well. Dominique and Eric got back together so she hasn't been as annoying lately. My mom and dad were away on business for a month so we got a check for food in the mail every week. Our appartment was really nice, it wasn't a crappy little hut either. We lodged in down town San Francisco, and we were pretty wealthy too.

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