Chapter 36: Happy Anniversary

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"Not this again!" Yoshima said with a frown.


Madara smirked, "Let's see how much you've grown.."
"I'm 17! You can tell I've grown!" Yoshima said putting her hands on her hips.
"You still look like an 11 year old." Madara said laughing.
Uh oh...
"Madara!!" Yoshima said blushing and punching his chest.

"So adorable!" I whisper yelled and Hashirama chuckled.

"Fine. No fighting. I have more planned anyways." Madara said grabbing Yoshima's hand as they walked.


"Lady Yoshima, do you want some more water?" Madara and Yoshima were at the Uchiha compound having a picnic.. They were being served food. They've been getting served a lot of food and water. It looks like Yoshima's gonna snap.

"Madara is doing it right!!" I said with a big smile watching the couple from a distance behind a tree.
"Are we gonna do this forever?" Tobirama asked irritated.
"Yoshima's turning into a woman. We must watch the transformation." Hashirama said smiling.

"For the last time, I don't need any water and no more food! And please don't add 'lady' to my name." Yoshima said patting her stomach.
"Madame Yoshima?"
"Princess Yoshima?"
"Ugh! Not that again!"
"Queen Yoshima?"
"Senpai Yoshima?"
"Please!!!!! Just call me Yoshima!"

I started to giggle a bit.

"Please be on your way and leave us alone." Madara said. The man bowed and left.

"Sorry about that." Madara said sitting a bit closer to Yoshima.

Yoshima placed her head on Madara's chest and sighed, "Now it's just the two of us."

Madara's cheeks turned red and he frowned.

He's nervous.  So adorable!

"Yoshima... The only person who can change Madara into a whole new person." I said.
"Hey! I can too!" Hashirama said and I shushed him.

Yoshima looked up at Madara and he looked down at her.

"They are going to kiss!" I whisper yelled.

They both closed their eyes leaning in.

"CLAN LEADER!!" The man returned yelling causing Yoshima and Madara to shift as far away from one another as much as possible.
"What?!" Madara said irratated.
"Do you want some tea?"


Madara's P.O.V

"Sorry about that." I said to Yoshima as we walked in the forest.
"It's fine." She said giggling a bit.

Just then we reached the riverbank.

I stood in front of the river and Yoshima stood beside me.

"This place... It has good, and bad memories.." Yoshima said staring into the river.
"It does, huh...." I said staring down at her.

Getting to the Other Side ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang