Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Maybe this was the start of something new, now that I've told Harry I broke up up with Eleanor, maybe it'll be easier to tell him my feelings. I looked up, watching Harry drain a pot of hot water into the sink, what ever he made smelt good. I smiled softly and stood up, going to one of the cabinets, I began taking out some plates for us.

"Smells good." I said and got out silverware "What did you make?"

"Chicken Parmesan." Harry said and smiled over at me.

"Sounds great." I replied.

Harry smiled at me, getting everything ready, I went over to the kitchen table and began setting up our plates. Harry came over with the food, dishing it out onto plates, the food smelt absolutely amazing. I pulled out a seat, looking at Harry, I gestured for him to sit down on it. I could tell he was trying hard not to blush, but he was failing, I decided not to say anything.

Harry sat down, smiling up at me, I grinned and sat down in my chair. This was nice, just how it should be, except for one big difference. If Harry and I were dating, this would be more romantic, and we would be sitting closer. It was easy for me to picture that, but it wasn't real, and I had a horrible feeling that it never would be.

Why was I such a coward?


Harry's POV

I waved Louis goodbye, watching him drive away, he had drove him this morning after we fell asleep. After dinner, we had decided to watch some movies, about half way though the second one we were both a sleep. I don't think Louis minded that I slept over, I think he was little lonely, I also felt bad that he and Eleanor broke up.

Well, actually, I didn't feel all that bad. I had tried my hardest not to smile around Louis, but I couldn't help it, he was single! I felt like jumping for joy, but I didn't, not yet anyways. I wanted to wait until after Paris, then I could jump for joy, or maybe even leap. I wouldn't care, I'd be happy, as long as Louis feels the same way.

I sighed softly, heading into my living room, it was mid morning and I had already had breakfast. I sighed lightly, flopping down on the couch, I was bored out of my mind. I frowned lightly, looking around the room, what was I suppose to do to entertain myself? I pulled out my phone , unlocking it quickly, I figured I'd give Liam a call since we leave for Paris tomorrow.

I went to my contacts, tapping Liam's name with my thumb, I hit the call button and held the phone to my ear. It rang a few times, on the fourth ring, it went to voice mail. I frowned slightly, going back to my contacts, instead I decided to call Zayn. I tapped his name and hit the call button, this time, it went straight to voice mail.

"That's strange." I mumbled to my self.

I set my phone down, frowning lightly, Liam and Zayn almost always answer their phones. I sighed lightly, looking down, I was starting to feel a little little. I thought about calling Louis, but thought better of it, he said he had things to do. I sighed lightly, picking up my phone again, I figured I would try and call Niall instead.

I scrolled though my contacts, finally finding Niall's name, I tapped it and pressed the phone to my ear. It only took two rings, before the third finished, Niall's Irish accent filled my ears. I smiled widely, leaning back on the couch, it felt good to hear one of my friends voices.

"Hey Ni, what's up?" I asked him, chewing on my lip.

"Fixing up some breakfast, where you been?" Niall asked and heard the scrapping of a pan "I came around last night and you didn't answer."

"Oh.. I fell asleep at Louis' place." I said and blushed, I heard Niall chuckle "I've got to tell you something.."

I began telling Niall all about last night, he was a good listener, I could always count on him if I needed to talk. Niall was sweet, he would give me a lot of advice about Louis, which I liked. Niall was sweet, but he would act odd sometimes, like he wasn't telling me something. I got that feeling a lot around the boys, but I was probably wrong.  

At least I hope I was... 


I am so sorry I haven't updated in ages. Not I haven't died! Haha. I finally finished my Narry story. If you haven't read it, check it out.

Why I haven't been updating much: I've had a lot of family drama going on lately and my dad had to have surgery last week. His okay though! He had a pace maker put it.

I'm hoping to start updating regularly now because my iPod finally syncs normally again! As for the family drama.. Well, we shall see on that one.

Hope you likes this chapter. The next ones will be longer! Also, here is the info for my Nouis story!

- Katie xx

Nouis story info thingy: While on tour, Louis starts to feel stressed, and Niall starts feeling pressured to be perfect. As they tour though America, Niall and Louis decide to become "Friends with benefits". But, will one boy's feelings for the other change? Will their friend ship change forever?

Unspoken - {A Larry Stylinson love story}Where stories live. Discover now