~Not fair~

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Lou's POV

Teia was pissing me off. I couldn't take it. Everyone kept complaining and yelling and arguing. I just wanted to scream to everyone. Mostly Teia and Harry were the ones to bug me, though. Her with her pain and him with his stress.

Because it's not like we have our own problems to deal with, yeah? Not like we don't want to sit here and listen to your terrible terrible problems, right? Oh, you poor children.

I think I'm claiming Ale as my favorite for today. She's been in bed, quiet all day. I think I quite like that. Even Sim, Niall, Kylie, and Zayn have been quite good today. Niall did complain about food but that's no different than usual.

I literally broke when Teia started complaining that she was in pain again.

"Who cares. Stop complaining. Jesus. What do you want us to do? Get out our magical powers and zap you better? Sorry your highness it doesn't work that way." I spat.

"SHUT UP!" she yelled.

God, she's being so stubborn. Sure, giving birth is hard. You think I don't know that? But do you think we all want to hear you complain about it? Well I have news for you, bub, we don't.


"Do you even know anywhere to go...?" Kylie came up to me.

I stopped and got frustrated. "No..."

"I can drive you if you like?" She came behind me and rubbed my back.

We got in the car and she pulled out of the driveway. It was silent for a bit until she spoke up.

"You alright?"

"Not really." I snapped.

"Sorry...." She said, faintly.

I looked at her. She looked scared.

"No, I'm sorry." I sighed.

I saw her loosen up a bit. "It's alright." She glanced at me and smiled small.


We stopped and I looked up to see she brought us to a small restaurant. We got out of the car and walked inside. It was a diner by the name of Mel's. It was cool. Very old-school themed.

We were sat at a table. It had a mini juke box on it. I smiled as I took in the atmosphere of this place.

"There's my Lou."

I looked up to see Kylie smiling at me.

I grinned a bit and looked at the menu.

We ordered and sat silent for a while. I put in 50 cents to choose a song for the juke box to play. This place was really cool. When you pay, the juke box at your table, as well as the whole restaurant, plays the song you requested.

"So how's Eleanor?" Kylie broke the silence.

My smile dropped as I looked down.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I figured I'd ask something other than 'what's wrong'" she gave an apologetic look.

"No no. It's okay. Um. That is what's wrong. She's going to Australia for about three months for something with her friend or whatever." I looked up at her.

"Oh... With that one guy?" She raised her eyebrow. "The same guy she went to Paris with?"

"Mmhmm." I sat back in the booth chair.

"Ugh. I don't like that guy. No offense. I mean I love El but he's just...ugh." She sipped her milkshake.

"I agree."

"Is that what was going on? Like that's it?" She asked.

"Yeah I guess. It just kind of irked me, y'know?" I waited for her response.

"Yeah. I get it. If I were you, I would be too."

"But the worse part is, she was supposed to be coming to California. She said we could spend time together while we're here. But HE changed his mind and wanted to go to Australia." I rolled my eyes.

"What? Ugh. That's such bull."

"Yup." I sat back.

"Lou?" She didn't look at me, her gaze on the table.


"You and El will be okay... Right?" She finally met my eyes.

"What? You mean will we not be breaking up?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I mean... You guys have been arguing a lot. And she's been with that guy a bit often. And she rarely texts me anymore because she says she's busy. I even asked Danielle, and you know me and Dani don't talk much since her and Li. All she said was El's been ignoring her too." She looked back at the table.

"Yeah... I'm not sure. We'll have to talk a bit." I said slowly.

She looked back up at me. "But Lou... You know that doesn't make what you said to Teia, or any of us, okay, right?"

I sighed. "I know. I'm sorry. I really am. I've just been frustrated and hearing people complain, bugged me."


"Because we all have our own problems going on, you know? Like we don't need to hear about every time something happens."

"Yeah... But Teia's pregnant. And she's got it a bit rough right now. And shit, she's not lying about the pain. It's not like she's just saying it for attention." She laughed.

I chuckled. "Yeah. You're right."


After we ate, we went to the park and sat in the damp grass by a little pond. There were geese and ducks swimming around.

"You know, I think you're a great guy, Lou. And I love El, but what she's been doing isn't right. If you're her boyfriend, you should be first, not him." She stared at the lake.

"Yeah. Well it's her choice. I'm not going to fight with her over this."

"But it's not fair. He's going around with your girlfriend, Lou." She looked at me.

"They've been friends for a long time apparently. So I guess it's fine."

"Lou." She looked sternly at me.

"Fine. I don't think it's fair either. But what am I to do? She's on a plane right now. I can't control her, Kylie. Don't you think I've tried to talk to her? She just says she needs to go." I looked sternly at her.

She looked at the pond and sighed.

"I can't control it. If she wants him more than me, then whatever makes her happy." I spoke.

"Lou you're a great guy. And you don't deserve this from her. She's great, but she's not being so great as of now." She faced me. "It's not fair to you."

"Thanks for saying this." I smiled. "But it won't change what she thinks." I faced the lake again.

It was silent for a long time.

"Hey. It's late. We should get home."


When we got home, everyone was upstairs except Liam, Niall, and Zayn. I wonder what we missed.

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