~Happy Birthday Haz!~

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*The next day*

Kylie's POV

It's Haz's birthday! I jumped out of bed and got dressed quickly,grabbing clothes from my duffle bag.

I ran downstairs and made Harry some cat shaped pancakes. I went to go pick up the cake I had ordered him and brought it home. It was a big square cake with a picture of Haz as a baby on it. It said "Happy 19th Birthday, Hazza!" in blue lettering.

I rushed back to the boys' flat and placed the cake on the dining table. I grabbed the cat pancakes and put chocolate shavings as whiskers and the mouth, and chocolate chips as eyes. The nose was a raspberry and I made a bow tie under it out of pineapple.

I poured orange juice and milk in two cups and a small bowl of fruit on a tray and carried it upstairs with his pancakes.

I pushed open the door and sat the tray on the nightstand. I jumped on him and scream-sang 'Happy Birthday' really loud.

He mumbled and laid back down.

"Get up LAZYYYYYY! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!" I continued jumping.

He grabbed my legs, causing me to fall and land at the end of his bed.

"Stop" he murmured.

"Fine. Then you don't get any cat pancakes." I say, standing.

I picked up the tray and headed for the door.

"Wait!" He sat up. "You made my favorite kitty pancakes?!" He yelled.

"Duh. It's your birthday. I do this every year." I laughed.

"I know. That's why I cherish them. I only get them once a year." He chuckled.

He stretched his arms out at me. "Come here."

I walked back over and sat the tray on his lap.

"Thank you." He smiled, hugging me.

"No problem. When you're done, come downstairs, okay?"

"Mmmhmmm" he said, already eating.


I realize it's the day after Haz's birthday that I'm posting this. I wrote them the night of his birthday, but I forgot to post them. Sorry. But yeah, happy birthday,Haz! :)

~Kylie x

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