~Gonna get'cha~

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Brian's POV

I'm finally out. How? I know a guy. Dan is a security guy at the prison. He was able to make a few changes and get me out. Finally I'm free. And I'm on the prowl for my babe. She must be with that douche, as always. God, how can she not tell that he'll hurt her? I can take care of her. I'm the one she needs.

I arrived outside Harry's house. No cars were in the drive. They must be gone. I saw the light on in the living area. There she was. Alone. Reading. I smirked and walked up the walk to the door. I tripped lightly and hoped she didn't hear me. I was trying to surprise her with my return home. This was my moment. I'm gonna get'cha, Teia. I promise.

Kylie's POV

We all decided to go get some food but Teia didn't want to go. She said she wanted to relax and forget about everything. Haz was very weary about this. He kept saying how Brian would be out at noon and that she wouldn't be safe but she got mad and said he didn't trust her. So we left anyway.

We went to Nando's because Niall kept complaining how all the other choices had "no good food" and "nasty choices" and how Nando'a was "perfect" and "delicious". The line was huge and the wait was long. Liam kept suggesting we go somewhere else, but Niall kept whining. So we stayed.

Oh yeah! Forgot to mention, Ale's been hanging with Li a lot recently. And I mean a lot as in me and Niall or Teia and Haz, a lot. They were so adorable, it killed me they weren't together.

The other day she fell and he helped her up and cleaned her scrape and got her a band aid. I'm gushing more than I should, but it was adorable how he smiled up at her and had such a worried expression, like she had gotten kicked where she got a sprained ankle or something.

Anyway, we were at Nando's and Haz kept going on about how Teia doesn't understand how he's only trying to help and how he would protect her. I know he would. But it did kind of make it seem like he thought she was defenseless. She was stronger than she looked, really. But when it came to Brian.... That was a different story. So I semi agreed with Haz on this one.

Teia's POV

I was at Haz's reading a book when I heard a noise outside. I sat my book on the side table and looked out the window, I didn't see anything. So I closed the curtains and walked toward the kitchen. I heard a bang and saw the door fly open. There, in front of me, was Brian. I ran to the kitchen doorway and felt his hand connect with my wrist. I winced in pain as he pulled me toward his chest. He smirked and kissed me.

I spat and turned away. I must've looked scared because he seemed to be entertained. I tried to pull away but his grip was too tight.

"Get off of me you perv!" I screamed. I had hoped someone could hear me. Anybody. No one could see in though, I closed the curtains. I regretted that now.

He chuckled. "No. You're mine now."

He leaned in and brushed his nose on mine. He disgusted me. He looked at my neck and made the choice to leave me a mark. He sucked, almost bit, at my neck. I winced and pulled away. He chuckled once again.

I almost screamed for Harry. But he was gone. Along with everyone. Maybe he was right. I should've went with them. I used my leg and kneed him. He crouched over but didn't let go. He lifted his face, showing me I'd regret that. He freed one of my hands and slapped me.

"You bitch" he snarled.

I froze. I didn't know what to do anymore. Why did my life have to be like this?

All of a sudden, I felt pain on my body. Not recognizing what from, I fell into darkness and lost control.

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