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Kylie's POV

I saw Teia walk downstairs, followed by Harry. She seemed sick. She had makeup on, but only on her face. She only did this when she was sick or sunburned, causing her face to either go pale or red. I eyed her a bit more. She was wearing a long sleeve shirt, in the middle of summer. I narrowed my eyes. She also had long pajama pants on. Her hair was down as well. Something was wrong, and I wasn't letting it go.

Harry seemed so oblivious to it. Maybe he was too excited to see her. But not me, I could tell, no matter how much I missed her.

She went straight to the kitchen, ignoring everyone else. I followed her and propped myself up on the counter.

She raided the fridge and pulled out a block of cheddar cheese and a container of sliced pineapple. She went to the counter and sliced the cheese, placing it in a bowl with the pineapple. Ew. What kind of snack is that? Gross. She walked past me and sat down on the other side of me. I spun around and watched her as she stuffed her face like a chipmunk.

I almost giggled at the sight. Teia could eat, no doubt, but this was too much. And of course she loved pineapple, being an islander, but not with cheese. I don't know anyone who does that. That's... abnormal.

Something was fishy. She was covering up and eating weird things, and a lot of them. What happened.... Maybe she's on her period... No... That wouldn't explain the cover up. Maybe she.... No.... Brian.... No.... I think she'd say something.... Right....?

"Teia...?" I spoke up.

"Hmmm?" She continued eating, not looking at me.

I raised my eyebrow. "You alright?"

"Mmhmm" still eating.

I pulled the bowl away from her.

"Hey!" She protested.

"What's wrong." I demanded.

"Nothing. Now give me my food."

"Geez. You sound like Niall. Something's wrong. Tell me"

"Nothing's wrong, Kylie. Now give me my food."

"Okay... You have cover up all over your face, you're wearing pajama pants and a long sleeve top in the middle of summer, and you're eating like crazy.... Teia... was Brian here...?" I finally brought up.

She stayed silent and just eyed the bowl.


She looked up at me. "Yes...."


She shushed me. "Come with me." She led me to the backyard.

"What the hell happened?!" I whisper yelled.

"He showed up about an hour after you guys left." She looked down. "He came in when I was on my way to the kitchen. And he...."

I stayed silent. I was pretty sure I knew what she was to say. Brian raped her. That would explain the cover up and long clothing. Bruises. And the food cravings.... What about those....?

"So why are you craving food?" I asked.

"That I don't know. But I'm afraid that it might be because...."

I gasped. That is a possibility. I wish it wasn't. Was Teia.... pregnant?

Forever Yoursजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें