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Harry's POV

Teia has been a bit odd lately. I haven't said anything. Because maybe it was a girl problem. Kylie seemed to be talking to her a lot. And Alejandra too.

Alejandra's very nice. She seems kind of shy, but she'll warm up eventually. She's really sweet, though. I think Liam has a thing for her. He always looks at her. And he smiles randomly. And when she fell a few days ago, he helped her. I could see them together. They'd be cute. But Liam's still recovering from Danielle, I think.

Kylie sat next to me but stayed silent. I nudged her with my elbow.

"Ouch" she pulled away.

"What's wrong?"

"You elbowed me."

"Not that. Why'd you randomly sit here next to me but stay silent."

"I dunno... I wanted to sit with you"

"You're lying to me."

She sighed and looked down. "Teia's moving to California with me and Alejandra."

I sat silent. What does she mean? Move to California? Why?

She peeked up at me.

"Why...?" I spoke

"She needs to get away. We all do. So were going...."

"Well, we'll all go then."

"No.... She needs time away, Harry."

"...From me....?"

"From everything."

"For how long?"

"I dunno yet."

It fell silent and awkward. She got up and left. I sat back and thought. Why would she need to get away? Did I do something? What'd she mean by 'get away from everything'? I just didn't get it. Did something happen? She has been acting different.... But did I miss something?

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