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Teia's POV

I was lying to Harry. I wasn't going to work, I went to the store. I was going to surprise him with dinner, so I told everyone else to go along with the 'work' story if he asked.

I went to the store and was picking up a bunch of mandarin oranges. I had everything else at home, but Harry liked mandarin oranges. So I decided to pick some up, for a side.

Bryan's POV

Those idiots. They all got me in trouble. I'm on the run, so I decided to dress different and shave my head. I had to buy some more food, so I went to the store. I was walking through the fruit isle when I saw her. The skinny, petite figure I know and cherish. She's here. Teia. I smirked and waltzed over to her. She was oblivious to my attendance until I cleared my throat.

She turned to face me and dropped the oranges she had in her hand. I gripped her wrist and pulled her toward me. I covered her mouth as she tried to scream.

"Shhhh, love. It's all alright now. You're not with that idiot, Harry, anymore." I whispered in her ear.

She mumbled into my hand and glared at me.

"Babe, it's all good." I smiled.

I pulled her to my car and threw her in the back. My Teia was back with me. She was mine again.

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