~Meeting Again~

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Ale's POV

Finally we were almost done with moving in. We only had little details like putting our old stuff away. Which isn't bad. We got all the hard stuff done. I can't tell you how many times we all walked into the wrong room because of the layout of our old house. We always walk into each others rooms.

The house looks great. I think we did pretty good for three teenage girls. It finally began to have a homey feeling. We even discussed getting a pet. Maybe a puppy. Teia and I are allergic to cats, so cats are out. But Kylie said she'd love to have a puppy. So I think we're leaning toward that. The boys always had pets. And it was like a farm. But it was fun. Liam had a puppy and turtles, Harry had a cat, Zayn had a dog, or two when Perrie was over. So we've been missing a little fluff-ball running around all the time. And even the yapping that Perrie's dog, Hatchi, did.

We all got jobs at a small, local boutique. We needed something to do since we were on vacation and nothing was happening. Plus we got an income, which was a bonus.

Eleanor and Perrie call a lot. They always say they miss us and we should come back. I'm actually getting used to Cali weather now, though. The warmer, sunnier weather. California and London weather are so opposite. Cali is sunny and hot and beach weather during the summer. In London it's a bit sunny but not hot during the summer.

I was glad we were finally getting the hang of being on our own. As great as it is having the boys and Paul around, I like how we're going on our own. Paul would always do stuff for us. He'd protect us and everything. Which was great, but too much sometimes.

Being in Cali alone has been fun. We've been hanging out and relaxing a lot. We've also been able to hang out with old friends as well. We met up with Simarjit and Alex and Christian last week. It was fun being able to see them again. We all talked about how we've been and where we're living and stuff. Simarjit is studying law like she's always wanted to. But she said next semester she's switching to King'a University in London. So we were thrilled to hear that. Alex is studying a few different things. She likes music and beauty. So she's taking music courses and also a side of cosmetology and hair. Christian, however, is majoring in Spanish but is also taking a virtual designing class.

It's kind of funny how we all went different ways. We all like different things. But I felt like we were back in high school or something, us meeting again.

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