~Can't Stand It~

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Kylie's POV

I was at home and I saw the news the other night. Brian was arrested. Thank God that idiot is behind bars now. He sickens me. Those poor two girls.

I got a text. I pulled my phone out and checked it. It was Louis. "Check the news. NOW."

I ran to the TV and turned on the news. Brian's face was plastered on my screen. What a lovely day.

"Brian Henderson's sentence was decided to go from four years to a month."

My mouth dropped. " A MONTH?!" I yelled

Niall came in. "What? What's wrong?"

I spun around. "Brian's sentence was changed to a month!"

"What?! Why?!"

I turned back to the TV and watched.

"His sentence was changed to only a month because his lawyer made a few statements. The judge has let off to be only one month in jail starting today."

Niall grabbed the remote from me and clicked it off.

"Why.... Why would this happen...." I mumbled to myself.

Niall walked over to me and grabbed me. "Shhh."

"I never thought I would live this nightmare, Ni. Ever."

"I know." He rubbed my arm. "It'll be okay, okay? I promise"

"How do you know?" I looked up at him. "All this has happened in not much time. It's only been, what, three months. Crazy stuff has happened."

He sighed. "But we always got through it."

"Niall, he caused you to go into a coma and forget me, me and Teia to get hurt, and Teia definitely had some serious physical and emotional pain. Yes we got through it, but if anything more happens, I don't know what I can take."

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