~Eyes Wide Open~

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Teia's POV

Today's the night that the Hilton Hotel sets fireworks off. Every Friday night they set them off at the beach. So we all decided to go watch.

I put my phone in my back pocket and turned around to see Harry slipping on a shirt. "Ready?" He asked.

"Mmhmm." I smiled.

We went downstairs to see the gang sitting around. "You guys ready?" I asked.

They all nodded and stood.

We drove to the beach and parked. We walked out to the sand and threw a few blankets out.


We were just sitting around talking until we heard a loud boom. The first firework. We all fell silent and looked up to see a giant flash and blue sparkles fall from the dark sky.

I cuddled in to Harry's chest and watched the beautiful show. He smiled at me and pulled me in. He kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around me. Another firework lit the sky. He looked at me and smiled. I blushed. He leaned in and kissed me. When he leaned out, he whispered "I love you."

"I love you too,Harry." I smiled.

For the first time in my life, I felt perfect. He always made me feel better than I did, but this was different. This time he made me feel like there was no need to hate myself. He loved me for who I was, and that was all I ever needed.

All my life all people told me was to keep my eyes wide open. I never understood why. Now I do. I waited for someone special to come and sweep me off my feet ever since I was five. My step mom would read me princess stories all the time. I always dreamt of having a Prince Charming. And I waited for so long. Keeping my eyes wide open just like they'd said. And just as I gave up on hope, he came and swept me off my feet, unexpectedly. "The work leads you to the surprise ending" as my aunt would say. And it did. I kept my eyes wide open.

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