~"I Promise"~

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Harry's POV

I walked upstairs to the guest bedroom where Teia and I were staying. She was sat on the bed, looking at the floor.

"You alright...?" I asked, walking over to her.

She stayed silent. I sat next to her and rubbed circles in her back. "It's alright. It'll all be okay. I pro-"

"Harry. Stop. It's not alright. At all." She began to cry. "Brian raped me and got me pregnant. And what am I supposed to do? I can't keep running from him and keep hoping everything will be okay all the time. He never stops. And now I'm pregnant with his baby. And I don't know how to raise a child or what to do. And the fact that it's not yours worries me all the time..."

"Why does that worry you? That it's not mine, I mean." I questioned her.

"Because. What if you-" she stopped.

"...What if I what?" I looked at her.

"What if you... What if you leave me Harry? It's not yours, so I wouldn't expect you to stay." She looked away.

I stayed silent for a bit. Thinking. I imagine the baby to have beautiful eyes just like hers. Her nose if its a girl. And cute little freckles on the nose just like hers. And it'll have pretty brown hair. And it'll grow healthy and be perfect.

"I'd take care of it just like it were my own." I whispered.

"Wh-what?" She looked up.

"The baby. I'd take care of it as if it were mine. Who cares if it isn't? I'll be a father to it. Brian won't come near my little princess or my little monkey. Whichever gender it is." I smiled.

She smiled and wiped her tears.

I grabbed her in a hug. "I promise." I whispered.

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