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Kylie's POV

Liam's been acting really odd lately. He seems so depressed and out of it. Whenever I see him he seems gloomy and upset. He never says hi or gives me a hug like before. He was always the happy, cheery one.

I decided it might be best to pay him a visit. But I wanted to bring a guest. Alejandra was always a fan of One Direction. And I'd known her since kindergarten. But I haven't seen her in so long now and I knew how she always wanted to meet them. Maybe if I couldn't cheer Liam up, she could.

I gave her a call and invited her over. She accepted and I went and picked her up.

"I can't believe you're taking me to meet them!" She squealed.

"Haha. Well I have A LOT to tell you. But we're not going to see all of them. Just Liam. I've been wanting to visit and see how he's been. And I remember how you used to like him most. Haha."

She blushed. Liam was always her favorite.

When we arrived, it was around 7 pm. His bedroom light was on, so I let myself in with the key I knew where he hid. I told Ale to wait in the living room and went upstairs. I knocked on his door and heard a noise.

"Who is it?!" He yelled, almost in a panic.

"Kylie." I slowly opened the door.

"Oh. Gosh. Don't scare me like that." He stood.

"You alright?" I sat on his bed next to him.

"Yeah. Yeah, just tired." He looked lost. Almost like he wasn't there. Not the old Liam, anyway.

"You sure?" I touched his wrist.

He winced and pulled away.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I stood.

"Yeah. I just... Your hands are cold." He smiled, slightly.

"Oh." I smiled. "Well, I have someone I want you to meet."

He looked up at me. "Who?"

"C'mon." I reached my hand out.


"I'm Liam."

"Alejandra." She smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"You as well. So how do you know Kylie?" He sat next to her.

"I've known her since kindergarten." She smiled.

"And you never introduced me? After all this time you've known us? How rude." He crossed his arms.

I laughed. Ale turned and looked at me confused.

"Oh. Um... This is the 'a lot' I said I needed to tell you...."


I spent a while filling Ale in on everything that's happened.


"You knew them all this time?!" She yelled.


"And you never told me?"

"....sorry. It's just... so much happened I couldn't find time." I looked at the floor.

"It's okay." She smiled.

"So Liam," I turned to face him, "where's Dani?" I asked.

He fell silent and looked at the floor.

I put my hand on his leg. "Li?"

"Hmmm?" He looked up at me.

"What happened...."

"Danielle and I broke up...." He spoke softly.

I couldn't find the words to say. Liam and Dani have been together ever since I could remember. They've been together since BEFORE I knew them. They've been through so much together. Why on earth would they break up? This was the first time I've seen him so upset, next to the last time they had a rough spot. And for the first time, I heard Li call Dani, Danielle.

Forever YoursDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora