~Meeting Her~

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Niall's POV

Kylie's been getting ready to meet Denise. She's taking it like she's meeting the queen.

"Kylie!" I yelled.


"You've been in there for a while. Shouldn't you come out?"

"I'm not done."

"Can I help with anything?"

"Uhhhh... Can you get my curling iron from the top drawer by the vanity?"


I walked over and pulled open the drawer. I pulled out the curling iron and walked back to the bathroom door. I opened it and peeked in, seeing Kylie in a purple dress. It was sparkly. She had a silver necklace on and high heels. Kylie rarely wears heels. She hates them. So I could tell she was serious about tonight.

"Why'd you get all fancy?" I asked, setting the curling iron next to her.

"Because. I wanna make a good impression."

I chuckled, causing her to look at me funny.

"Kylie, she's like you. She doesn't care about being fancy much. "

"Well when I talked to her on the phone she chose somewhere nice. So I'm going to dress for it."


"Can you zip me?" She turned around.

I zipped her and saw her begin to section off her hair. I've watched her do her hair a lot. I already know how she does it.

"Can I?" I asked.

"What? Curl my hair?" She looked at me funny.

"Yeah." I shrugged. "I've watched you before. I know how you do it."

She looked at me and looked at the counter, as if she was going through all the pros and cons.

She raised her head and looked at me in the mirror. "Okay."

I smiled.

"But don't burn my hair."

I chuckled.


I honestly think I did a good job. It looked comparable to how she does it. So I give me self a high five.

She looked at her reflection. "Not bad, Horan."

She took a few pins and pinned parts back. "How do I look?" She spun around.

"Wonderful." I smiled. "Here."

I handed her her purse.

"Thanks." She smiled.

She breathed out deeply.

"Don't be stressed. Remember, Denise is actually quite like you. So be yourself." I smiled, kissing her temple.

"Okay." She smiled. "I should go."

She walked downstairs. I walked her out to the car and leaned by the window. "Remember what I said." I whispered. "You'll be fine."

She smiled. "Bye, Ni."

"Bye." I kissed her quickly and she left.

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