~Bye, bye, Braces~

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Kylie's POV

"Ready to go?"

I turned to see Niall stood at the doorway of the bedroom.

I stood. "Yeah." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You know what's wrong. You're lovely braces are going away...." I frowned.

He chuckled. "We'll I couldn't keep em forever."

I pouted.


We drove to the dentist. Silly thing is, we both had dentist appointments today. So I went in and Niall went in.

"See you after." He smiled.

That was the last time I'd ever see that smile. That brace-face smile that I've grown to love so much. The first smile that greeted me on July 31st. The cute smile I saw every morning when I woke up and every night when I went to sleep. I'm sorry to say, I actually have memories because of those braces. Crazy, I know. But I do. I sighed as I saw him disappear into the office.

I went in and had my normal check up. They kept offering me braces, but I wasn't quite sure yet. I'd talked to my parents, friends, the lads, and Niall about it. I even brought it up to Anne and Gemma when I had visited them recently. But I still couldn't decide.

When I went in, he told me the same thing as always. "It's up to you." I hate having to be the one to choose. I wish I didn't have to. Screw it.

"No. I think I'll wait. If I wanted them for sure, I think I'd know for sure."

"Okay. That's a good thought." He smiled. "Here ya go." He handed me the normal. A toothbrush, a mini toothpaste, and floss. "Remember brush and floss twice a day." He smiled.

I exited and waited for Niall. He told me it'd take a while. He was supposed to be out by 5:30. It's 4:50 now. I hung out in the waiting room. They had a tv playing the news. I walked over to the kids side. I liked it better there. They played movies. Kid movies. But I love Disney so I always sat there if I had to wait. I'd been going to this dentist as long as I could remember.

I sat down next to a little girl who was playing with a Barbie doll who had one shoe and was missing half her hair. I watched Toy Story 3 on the little monitor up above the entrance to the back until I heard a very familiar voice.

"Hi Kylie." Christine smiled.

"Hey." I stood up and walked to the desk.

Christine is the receptionist, and has been as long as I've been going here.

"Guys! Kylie's here!" She called the others over.

"Remember when she used to yell "I love you!"? Alyssa, a dentist, said.

When I was little, I used to run to Christine and yell "I love you!" and give her a hug whenever I had to leave. But I only did it to Christine. Everyone at the office tells me that story every time I come.

"Yeah! How've you been?" Christine asked.

"Good." I smiled.

"You're, what, nineteen now?"


"Are you in college?"

"Yeah. I go to King's college"

"Oh wow. You have a boyfriend yet?" She always asked me this.

"Yes." I smiled. "His names Niall."

"When can I meet him?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Soon, actually. He's here getting his braces off."

Christine only worked on the children's side. So I'm guessing they've never met.

"Yay!" She smiled.

I looked at the time. It was 5:26. I got a text. I pulled out my phone. Niall.

'Where are you? I'm no longer brace-face! :D'

'Ill be there in a sec. Some people want to meet you' I texted back.

"I'll be back soon. I'm going to go get him." I smiled.

I went to the other side and spotted Niall talking to a man. Probably his dentist.

"Lemme see!" I yelled.

He smiled really big. Woah. That looks so... different. It's not bad though. But I still miss his braces.

"Aw. Ni's no longer a brace-face." I pouted.

He chuckled. "We'll now I can eat more!"

"Not until 6." The man spoke.

"Right. 'Course."

The dentist looked at me, as if he didn't trust Niall.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't eat." I smiled.

I looked at Niall "c'mon." I pulled him to the children's side.

"Christine, this is Niall."

"Oh! NIALL! HOW NICE TO MEET YOU!" She ran out from behind the desk and pulled him in to a hug. She's a hug person.

"Uh... Hi?" Niall laughed.

"Sorry sorry. I'm Christine. I'm the receptionist. But I've known Kylie since she was like 3."

"Oh! Why didn't you say so!" Niall played along and grabbed her in another hug.

I laughed. They pulled away and made small talk about my past and such. Christine talked a lot.... A lot a lot. It was 7 when we left. Geez.

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